Seal Product Codes Should Not Expire
I bought a new old stock Jace Planeswalker Deck. It came with a digital code to play on Magic Arena but I can't use it apparently because it expired! How does it expire?! Digital is the only way to play right now with the pandemic and I can't use this deck all because Wizards of the Coast has codes expire... makes no sense. They should reactivate all codes that have expired from sealed products.

ulrichpupshuber#12515 commented
This is really, *really* bad, and totally unnecessary. Why on earth did you give them an expiration date? We bought the cards, they can be played in Historic, why don't you let us? (Just reactivate them please.)
What's worse, the wrong error message ("..was already redeemed") casts suspicion on the vendor (did they open it and use the code??) when it's really just you being random.
mrgrimmjow#20935 commented
just made an account to log on and echo the same thing happaned to me in 2022 went on amazon bought like 4 of the magic the gathering arena double decks that come with two codes for two players to redeem both decks on magic the gathering arena codes dont work open a ticket get told codes expired i explain i bought them online specifically for the online as we live in a rural area and cant play physically with people and no where on the online post on amazon did it make reference to the codes expiring got told to make a forum post and if it mattered enough id get enough upvotes that they might look into it cant believe this is what customer service has become nowadays will never ever support such a greedy disgusting company they have cost themselves a lotta sales just from me and my family / friends / followers on various social media absolutely despicable behavior it would cost nothing for the company to either honour the codes and never expire them or to hand out a new code for the proof of purchase of the expired one to keep a happy customer but they seem hellbent on ******* on their customer after a sale time to vote with my dollar bye magic was fun while it lasted
DeEchteTeun#37430 commented
I'm just startign to get back into magic and then I ran into exactly this problem! The fact that this topic was made 1,5 years ago probably means nothing will change. The only thing that will change is the amount of money they'll make off of me, bercause I'll never buy these decks online and now I'm no longer motivated to spend money on Magic products. Good job Wizards.
Guenay#33970 commented
Welp, it got me too.
I bought every single pack on earth that contains Arena codes and the War of the Spark Planeswalker (Gideon and Jace) are expired.
Wtf!? Customer support is like "too bad, go to the bug report and cry with the other losers".
Every retailer advertises with these codes, even Amazon does this, and Wotc doesnt give a dime.
Even the Box advertises it! But behold, there is an "expiring date" in miniature letters on the bottom.
This is a real shame for devs and players.
Disappointment is strong now. -
Skeith Zero#56461 commented
ya'll are probably better off taking that money you spent on 5 year old starter decks with little to no card value and putting it to gems to buy packs and get wildcards and then craft the decks that way...
Greyhawke#79045 commented
This should not happen. Cards in these decks are still legal in some formats.Unacceptable.
Poseidenj#24350 commented
Also they should bring back a free sealed or BO3 draft for prerelease kits!
War-Hawk#25506 commented
Another one here who found out the nasty surprise that I cant play the decks online.
Worst customer experience I have had in years. -
Kythlyn#18766 commented
It's pretty much unacceptable that these codes expire. Wizards of the Coast has built its entire business on products that continue to have value long beyond their shelf life. The company is fully aware that a market continues to exists perpetually for all of its products, which helps their bottom line by keeping people interested in the hobby. Furthermore, these products can remain on retail shelves for years, and well beyond the expiration dates of the included codes. What's happening here is tantamount to false advertising. If you sell a product to a customer--who picks it up on a store shelf--and that product says it includes a piece of content, there is no excuse for that content having expired or being unredeemable.
I strongly suggest that all expired codes be reactivated immediately and that all future codes issued for new products be issued without expiration dates.
I am incredibly disappointed in a recent purchase because the code was expired, and I did not find that out until the product was opened and nonrefundable.
Please, WotC, fix this.
HipsterGorath#82261 commented
Just ran into this myself. I bought two Planeswalker Decks and didn't even think they expired. I submitted a report ticket and the response was virtually, "Too bad, so sad." and it was quickly closed.
It makes zero sense to allow single use digital codes to expire. Seeing as I just spent $50 ($5 Welcome Pack, $14.99 gem pack, and another $30 on these two physical Planeswalker Decks) in the last month, the only thing this is going to do for me personally in the future is keep me from putting more money into the service.
They need to make this right, or it will only end up costing them future revenue.