Ban Tasha’s Hideous Laughter
I’m starting this as a prediction that this card will cause major problems.
I’m surprised that this was a preview card, like Wizards is trying to troll us now, or that they think mill is so awesome that this card will get players excited for Adventures in Forgotten Realms, on par with the Tiamat or Drizzt reveals.
You might as well ban this card now, before release. Mill is bad enough, and now this? Clearly Wizards isn’t paying attention. It‘ll either be unfun, OP, or both, but the lack of caring either way by Mark Rosewater and team is evident.
And just when I was looking forward to rotation, too. Shame.

2EzSwiftJustice2Ez#45114 commented
The creators don't care about the players, so they refuse to fix the game and ban these wildly overpowered cards. MTG is a **** game because it's full of toxic card combinations that must be banned. WOTC refuses to listen to the fanbase and is only interested in $$$. They're too scared to create videos to answer our questions as to why they refuse to ban these types of cards. These types of cards continue to ruin the game and make it unfun. It's awful when you continue to run into these cards after building a cool deck but you won't be able to have any fun because your opponents can just exile your whole deck when they counter everything and copy hideous laughter multiple times.
Ipimus#78172 commented
I feel that ARENA is leaning far over to the mill/discard game mechanic. In the EULA it states that 'your game experience should not be impaired/ ruined and be enjoyed' not a direct paraphrase, ofc. This card empties decks within the first or second turn.. seen it.. bought the T-Shirt.. now considering whether to invest money into the game anymore.
Basically why should we?. Our 'gaming experience is ruined' by the company. A company trying to get us to have fun, spend money because we like the game, encourage others to play... well this card, and increasingly many others, tick the NOPE! box.
Ban it ....
Why should players spend time, hard earned money, trying to make tactical decks, even fun decks, for them to be emptied - and I repeat this - within 2 or 3 turns.?
Kashear#90565 commented
yep. player cast 3 of these in a row vs. a ****** deck. milled 1/3 of my deck each time. Total ****
Belenus#16637 commented
100% agreed. This card never should have made it into the game.
MT Bonez#96239 commented
I agree. Just lost a game due to the opponent playing 2 of these in back to back turns. This should be a 5 or 6mana spell, not 3