BUG: Gold reward for daily quests
I recently achieved two daily goals at the same time. When the prizes were rewarded, it showed two iterations of 1,000 gold. (not due to my mastery pass, I just completed level 77) My balance, however, only showed a 1,000 gold increase. I don’t know if the reward was mistakenly duplicated on screen, or if I did not receive the 1,000 additional gold. It doesn’t cause me too much grief, just something I noticed to be buggy.

joseorpa#88919 commented
After getting the daily quest, we are getting less golds than the calculated prize after the match. For example, it showed 1100 golds and got 500. Happens since last update.
OG_Calix_IRL#43768 commented
Eg, I was supposed to get 750 for completing a quest and a little more for daily wins. It told me I got 1500. I checked my total gold and I had like 1200. I think it gave me the correct amount. This happens several times per week. I heard that arena sometimes gives random bonuses. If so, I think I should be getting these increased payouts and the game owes me at least 20 000 gold.
astroluxx#84337 commented
Over the past 3 days I've completed almost 2000 gold worth of daily wins and missions, yet I've received exactly 200 of that gold
izzyismyrott#37169 commented
After daily quests are completed the gold seems to only add half what I should have receive.
Aarema#75981 commented
Lastly, i achieved daily quest and do not received the correct amount of gold according to the reward and the gold i already had.
This time i have made some screenshot to make sure and here they are.
Can you explain why some amount of gold are missing and what can you do to compensate this bug please ?
During the time I play and perform daily tasks was 6-7 times when the screen showed a reward 1200-1600 coins, but after I took them they are not added to my account, added perhaps 200-500 coins only. I'm saving up for all sorts of in-game boosters for example, and would have long accumulated all that I wanted if the coins were accrued correctly.
I would like to get a normal solution to the situation
For this issue, please submit at: https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and select 'General Questions'.
Vomannis#04047 commented
i had my task progress frozen at 1 more spell to complete it. i noticed other players today casting 1 spell and conceding. I think they were checking to see if they completed the daily task. I also got my 500 gold for completing but it still showed as 1 more cast away from completion. I think it may be repeatable but not sure.