Unable to Login - Authentic failed for "username"
Unable to Login - Authentic failed for "username"
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SnapcasterMage#41980 commented
This is also happening to me. I was able to create and sign into an alternate account, so it definitely seems something is off with my account details on the server side.
magiciscool#86001 commented
Same issue for me since the update yesterday.
I get the timeout and the attach failed to drop other attach error messages. been down for almost 24 hours now.
Macleih#71249 commented
Same issue for me
Abigaille#35086 commented
same, cannot login now.. yesterday i was playing without problems..
Jruff#18053 commented
Same as others, Cannot log in since the last update
Rag1hit#63523 commented
After the update, I tried to update today and got this error:
Unable to login
Authentication failed for (username)
Timeout -
Sora#44512 commented
Unable to Login
Authentication failed for "username":
Attach failed to drop other attach -
Wallsofjoeco#22861 commented
Same as op, Authentication failed: Timeout or Attach Failed to drop other attach...
tiraud#85880 commented
Same as op and all others listed below.
IcedYoshi#38081 commented
I'm getting the same bug with the Authentication failed: Timeout
JayHo#92508 commented
I also cannot log in... for some reason. Attached is the log. Seems server-side. I have restarted me computer. Currently stuck on a Waiting For Server screen. The Check Status button says all systems are up...
Nectar#82256 commented
I am unable to log in. Just getting a message: Unable to Login - Authentication failed for [My Username]: Attach failed to drop other attach,
Clovis#39552 commented
Can't log in just want to play
mkpott#89462 commented
unable to login. Authentication failed for [username] attach failed to drop attach
dmiki#72947 commented
Seems to work now(?)
I managed to log in -
ApachenHarry#17405 commented
"Unable to Login - Authentic failed for "username" - Not currently connected".
Desktop_Windows10 -
Heather#62002 commented
Same here for me and my family
Gallifreys_Son#22605 commented
"Unable to Login - Authentic failed for "username" - Not currently connected". After this i uninstalled the client and reinstalled. for desktop and Android
Mr.Loof#09700 commented
Im using PC and cant connect. It started with disconnected match and I cant reconnect afterwards.
joaommmateus#49091 commented
"Unable to Login - Authentic failed for "username" - Not currently connected". After this i uninstalled the client and reinstalled. The same issue remains, as per printscreen. Please note that i have functioning internet connection.