Land draw in sealed is just scripted.
In the 50% of the time you draw wrong land that makes you die doing nothing. 16 lands, 8 per color, you draw 6 of the same color, this happen 50% of my games, this is not fair and you die doing nothing because most of the time you keep drawing other color cards. The game is scripted, just assassinate you to make you pay more for gems. FIx this or i'm gonna uninstall, this is a scam, non way is just misfortune, probability is a different thing.
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failnation#65496 commented
Exactly, new and veteran players have been telling Wizbro for years that they need to have truly randomized draws and match making, but the company refuses to listen. Instead their customer service reps try to gaslight players with canned responses claiming they've been "thoroughly tested at length", and "are working as intended" - which is PRECISELY THE PROBLEM. They refuse to release any report from a 3rd party testing, or provide access to view algorithms. The scripting is comically blatant. No one has been able to replicate the horrid shuffler, or draws IRL. They seem to believe if the frustrate players enough that it'll force them to spend money to accelerate their e-card collections. Almost no one at any of my LGS is willing to spend time on Arena, they predominantly play Hearthstone instead. Brilliant strategy Wizbro! I have not, nor will I ever spend a penny on this game until it is fixed. RANDOMIZE, NOW!
CirossTLO#37537 commented
2 times out of 3 games
CirossTLO#37537 commented
In the 50% of the time you draw wrong land that makes you die doing nothing. 16 lands, 8 per color, you draw 6 of the same color, this happen 50% of my games, this is not fair and you die doing nothing because most of the time you keep drawing other color cards. The game is scripted, just assassinate you to make you pay more for gems. FIx this or i'm gonna uninstall, this is a scam, non way is just misfortune, probability is a different thing.
CirossTLO#37537 commented
In the 50% of the time you draw wrong land that makes you die doing nothing. 16 lands, 8 per color, you draw 6 of the same color, this happen 50% of my games, this is not fair and you die doing nothing because most of the time you keep drawing other color cards. The game is scripted, just assassinate you to make you pay more for gems. FIx this or i'm gonna uninstall, this is a scam, non way is just misfortune, probability is a different thing.
CirossTLO#37537 commented
In the 50% of the time you draw wrong land that makes you die doing nothing. 16 lands, 8 per color, you draw 6 of the same color, this happen 50% of my games, this is not fair and you die doing nothing because most of the time you keep drawing other color cards. The game is scripted, just assassinate you to make you pay more for gems. FIx this or i'm gonna uninstall, this is a scam, non way is just misfortune, probability is a different thing.
CirossTLO#37537 commented
In the 50% of the time you draw wrong land that makes you die doing nothing. 16 lands, 8 per color, you drow 6 of the same color, this happen 50% of my games, this is not fair and you die doing nothing because most of the time you keep drawing other color cards. The game is scripted, just assassinate you to make you pay more for gems. FIx this or i'm gonna uninstall, this is a scam, non way is just misfortune, probability is a different thing.