bronze tier 0
saw some other people had this problem but no solutions, stuck at bronze rank 0 and no way to rank up. any updates to this problem?
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Tea#64960 commented
The most recent patch made my account like this. It was previously stuck as unranked.
Papermoon#98640 commented
Same problem……
Palandiell#44756 commented
I noticed I'm missing the Mythic Wildcard Rewards from the CURRENT and PAST Mastery Pass. It's hard to tell how long this has been going on, but I suspect I'm missing at least 3, if not more, Mythic Wildcards.
By the way, I'm still stuck on Bronze Tier 0 and have been for the past month ever since I started playing. This isn't the way to keep a player...
I look forward to hearing from support with solutions, compensation, and fixes at the soonest possible moment.
Thank you. -
Palandiell#44756 commented
I noticed I'm missing the Mythic Wildcard Rewards from the CURRENT and PAST Mastery Pass. It's hard to tell how long this has been going on, but I suspect I'm missing at least 3, if not more, Mythic Wildcards.
By the way, I'm still stuck on Bronze Tier 0 and have been for the past month ever since I started playing. This isn't the way to keep a player...
I look forward to hearing from support with solutions, compensation, and fixes at the soonest possible moment.
Thank you. -
Palandiell#44756 commented
I noticed I'm missing the Mythic Wildcard Rewards from the CURRENT and PAST Mastery Pass. It's hard to tell how long this has been going on, but I suspect I'm missing at least 3, if not more, Mythic Wildcards.
By the way, I'm still stuck on Bronze Tier 0 and have been for the past month ever since I started playing. This isn't the way to keep a player...
I look forward to hearing from support with solutions, compensation, and fixes at the soonest possible moment.
Thank you. -
Palandiell#44756 commented
I noticed I'm missing the Mythic Wildcard Rewards from the CURRENT and PAST Mastery Pass. It's hard to tell how long this has been going on, but I suspect I'm missing at least 3, if not more, Mythic Wildcards.
By the way, I'm still stuck on Bronze Tier 0 and have been for the past month ever since I started playing. This isn't the way to keep a player...
I look forward to hearing from support with solutions, compensation, and fixes at the soonest possible moment.
Thank you. -
hikaru#01223 commented
bronze rank0
thrake#96505 commented
I have the same problem :(
Unbug#70010 commented
Same problem with my account. Downloaded the phone app a few months ago but didn’t play more than two tutorial games. Started playing a ton last week and my rank won’t budge from Bronze 0 for both constructed and drafts.
Syra2000#01364 commented
I have won multiple standard ranked games and it says I am still bronze teir 0. It does not register me playing ranked games.
Evandyr#47145 commented
I enjoy the game a lot and my friends play the game as well. My friends and I were planning on doing a PAYED DRAFT together. But I would never risk spending money on a game when I can't even receive credit for my own progression. I know the forums are flooded with reports of the same issue. Please address this issue or you risk losing a relevant percentage of new players.
airbud3000#67559 commented
Hello, I am stuck at bronze 0 despite winning a ton of games in a row. I have spoken to friends of mine that ~also~ just got into Magic Arena and they are experiencing the same thing. Is there anyway to resolve this? Thanks.
Evandyr#47145 commented
New accounts who interrupt tutorial are locked out of ranked progression indefinitely. I have evidence from multiple friends as well as people on many Magic Arena forums. Essentially, I am bronze zero with text instructing me to play a ranked game to unlock the mode. But no amount of ranked games will remove the exclamation point. Please help me with this issue. I am new player and very interested in starting the game, but I cannot gain ranked rewards on my account.
Saumolen#73885 commented
Can't advance further from bronze 0 rank, ranked game are not registered as it still says ,,You must play a game this season to receive your season rewards" . Even after countless ranked games rank and status stays the same. I came back after not playing for 2 years platform pc.
romisfrag#96329 commented
I am stuck like a lot of people bronze 0 even with a lot of win streak.
Adba#09109 commented
I have the same problem, I have not received any rank.
Szeth#37533 commented
I have same problem. Still can not rank up past bronze zero.
Kighted#33975 commented
I am also stuck with this and have been since i started (about 4-5 weeks ago)
Saumolen#73885 commented
same returned after 2 years started playing on the phone got bunch of connection issues bug playing tutorial finished color changes and it's not giving me rank points or registering that i played a ranked game this season
N3x#72214 commented
I started on phone but then moved to PC. Maybe that caused it. How about u guys?