Matchmaking always making mirror matches
I have played today exactly 20 Historic Brawl matches, and 16 of them mirror matches. It's awful, tedius, completely unacceptable. This has made me absolutely angry and I want to vomit.
Fix the Shuffler#27845 commented
Agreed. I'm so sick of the ****** matching making. I always get paired up against a mirror match or a deck that conveniently is a bad matchup against my deck. Like if I'm playing mill the other deck will conveniently have gaia's blessing. When playing any other deck other than mill Gaia's blessing is nowhere to be seen. Fix the match making Wizards!
failnation#65496 commented
Wizbros disrespect of players and refusal to be honest about their NON-randomized algorithms is utterly appalling - this company is a disgrace.