Card stuck on stack
Often Cards stay in the Stack when a short disconnection happens in the mobile app. This bug made me lose a lot of games in the last weeks.
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For this issue, please submit at: and select 'Report a Problem in your Event'.
Orion&ErosBomb#55170 commented
1. Tried to cast spell, but it just stayed in the air and not actually cast. Game continued with spell still on screen.
2. Android
3. Spell not resolving
4. Expected the spell to resolve
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
For this issue, please submit at: and select 'Report a Problem in your Event'.
Lupa#64588 commented
Played a creature and it got stuck on the stack for a few turns i ended up losing the draft because of it . Sick and tired of paying real cash for a nice draft experience but the game keeps on failing on my . I would like a refund for this one
Lupa#64588 commented
Played a creature and it got stuck on the stack for a few turns i ended up losing the draft because of it . Sick and tired of paying real cash for a nice draft experience but the game keeps on failing on my . I would like a refund for this one
F4talattack#24443 commented
Cast price of loyalty, experienced a connection issue despite no internet issues, once resolved Price of Loyalty remained on the stack and I was unable to interact with it.
Junstar#30723 commented
I countered a opponent's Clackbridge Troll with an Quandrix Command.
I was never given the opportunity to target anything and it skipped to resolve Clackbridge Troll and activated its ability.Then my Quandrix Command was stuck on the stack for the rest of my Ranked game...
Junstar#30723 commented
Instant never resolved.
I countered a creature spell with and instant.
I was never given the opportunity to target anything and it skipped to resolve the creature my opponent cast and activated its ability.Then my instant card was stuck on the stack for the rest of my Ranked game...
LegendaryBS#53427 commented
The card was sanguine indulgence that stayed on the stack from beginning of game to end not being able to use it, just taking up screen and a wasted card draw
LegendaryBS#53427 commented
I probably would've won if this didn't happen, very frustrating bc i picked a terrible jumpstart deck and i really really needed that win. Love your game though and i know your working things out, appreciate yall. Im on android by the way. The card was sanguine indulgence that stayed on the stack.