No Decks to Choose in Color Challenge
On the color challenge I was midway through a fight with green and my game crashed. Now it tells me to pick a deck and when I do no decks pop up. It's not auto loading the deck either and I can't play until I can finish green. It's stopping me from ever getting to ranked play.
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paseriiii#01428 commented
Other matches can be played normally, but only black matches cannot be played due to network errors.
doubledigitIQ#25774 commented
Same here. Cant finish color quest. White is the last color-fight. Starting the last fight search pop up a:
Network Error.
Unable to join event. Please try again later.Extra info:
Im a returning player, i started that quest long time ago dont remember when exactly ¿~more than 2 years?. Returned 2 days ago. Maybe thats why it is ultra-bugged(tried the reddit post thing, nothing), cant complete it, cant receive reward. -
Coltyz#66053 commented
I tried all possible work around and none of them worked until i found a lower upvoted post on Reddit. I have a beta account and tested on PC, android, and apple all came back with the same error leading me to believe it was associated to my account. I found a post that recommend starting the tutorial over fully in the ? button. After starting the tutorial you immediately concede the first game then go into settings and account then press the "skip tutorial". After doing this i went back in to the color mode challenge and it allowed me to play all the color mode challenges and unlocked all the decks. I hope this helps others that are in the same vote.
DabiddoJ4#32264 commented
I have this issue at the 5th fight on all colors
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Saeuz#48457 commented
Sigo sin poder jugar la quinta partida del desafío de colores, es un fastidio por qué ya he introducido algunos códigos a mi cuenta y no me gustaría perder ese avance. Solo quiero poder tener mi deck de inicio y empezar las partidas PvP
Fallen Angel#65266 commented
I could never pick any deck in color challenge. Is this another related bug or shouldn't you be able to pick a deck in color challenge, only edit the fixed one? I keep fighting people with very well edited decks in color challenge. Do they edit it each time?? To be clear once edited from the color challenge it doesn't stay, but goes back to the default loser deck.. Very annoying.
MordenCain#25288 commented
If you are getting network error on blue deck color challenge, try customizing the deck before attempting to play.
The Duke#06298 commented
Same issue on my end
Tryden#50838 commented
Yes, I spoke to soon when I said it was working lol. Same issue as others, can now choose deck, but when I get to the 5th challenge where I have to face a player, it says "Network error."
amkauffman#66566 commented
Same issue as described below on Oct 15th. I am now able to select a deck to complete the first 4 challenges, but the last challenge against a live player results in a network error.
IceSquid#62853 commented
First, i'd like to thanks, Color Challenge seems to be working now! But still, i can't complete the 5th match against a live player with any of the colors. ( i'm having the same issue as AzathothTheBlind#35799, Superclaymation#57339 and EdgyBox#76796
EdgyBox#76796 commented
Same issue now as AzathothTheBlind#35799 and Superclaymation#57339. Deck shows up, but clicking play just has the network error message described by Superclaymation#57339
AzathothTheBlind#35799 commented
I'd like to adress the same issue than Superclaymation#57339 since I did'nt find a way to upvote his comment.
Should we post another bug report for this?
Thank you for correcting the issue I hope you'll correct this one as well in the futur.
paperbagperson#00610 commented
Superclaymation#57339 commented
It finally let me choose a deck today, but now Im stuck on the 5th match against a live player. It keeps giving an error of “Network Error. Unable to join event. Please try again later.”
Tryden#50838 commented
Just noticed that after today's patch this works for me! Thanks Wizards :)
Oct1312#38216 commented
i can't choose any deck to finish the color challenge, please debug this.
Destroyedman#90341 commented
Why is there no fix for this issue? Wisards too busy rolling in money?
RadRex#34664 commented
I don’t plan on playing the game until this is fixed. Honestly this bug leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I don’t want to play at all.
EdgyBox#76796 commented
Same issue. It seems to have occurred because I deleted the default deck.
This stops us from getting the dual color decks that I like to play with against my friends. This is a very serious bug that isn't even showing up on the known issues page..