The update today, 12/9/2021 has had me having 0 lands in hand after multiple mulligans. This is ridiculous. It's to the point where I'm putting down arena. There's no point in playing a game that resembles an EA based strategy. I'd rather go and play some knockoff online before putting anymore time and energy into this. It would be a different story if it was a one off instance, but I have consistently had 0 land hands mulligan in down to 2 before drawing a hand of all lands. Something is amiss and needs to be fixed.

hhrrdon#08137 commented
i understand that a lot has to do on how many lands you have in the deck, but even considering it is ridicolus how you get no lands, then mull and then you get 6 lands, it´s just infuriating specially when you are playing a draft or limited , we are paying money just for the system to give us loss after loss, i will be dropping the game soon if this continues, also y will be placing it all over social media so others know how wizards cheat you into investing more money
Haystack#90070 commented
I just played six games in a row where I hit Portal to Phyrexia four cards in a row. In four of those games I got four consecutive big score. #thisisshuffling
Karnaud#91972 commented
On draft whiel playing 2 colors: hand 1; 3manas of color 1. Hand 2; 3 manas of color 2. Hand 3 stuck at 2 manas.
Repeat that on 3 games in a row. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE!!!!!!! -
Valxide#33211 commented
Yet another new set I have difficulty getting into what I start out with paying for a draft only to go 0-3 because 2 games I couldn't draw my 3rd land in 3-4 turns or in the 1 game where I only drew lands. Hard to compete with the shuffler working against you and your opponents perfect curves. Yes I was playing 17/40
Massacheif1999#42279 commented
Im at my wits end I enjoyed this game but I literally can't play I've done everything to my deck but the mana just clumps up into pockets and after about 3 or 4 games its like the problem starts over again even if I've changed my mana ive read countless comments saying this is broken and people literally just want the decks to shuffle right but nothing has changed I want this game to at least be playable. Then we get into the out right broken cards the list is too long but a card that replicates itself over and over to no end isn't broken at all but if nothing changes like usual I dont think I can play anymore
ftp#31575 commented
I can confirm that this bug has been around for some time and there are multiple people who've said the same to myself. Screenshots can be supplied to confirm this empirically on request.