I was opening some packs from Innistrad vow and midnight hunt. i opened 6 packs each and earned 2 mythic wildcards and 2 rare wildcards and they didnt accurately post to my wildcard. attached is the log of what occured. since there is no other way to obtain wildcards other than buying packs I would like to actually receive the wild cards i earned, most especially the rares and mythics

DigitalPirate#97138 commented
Same thing happened to me this evening when opening MoM packs (x10). I got one mythic and one rare wildcard on my first 10x pack *****. They didn't add into my account. I opened another 10x packs hoping to verify, got a mythic wildcard, and again it didn't post to my account. Been opening 10x MoM packs randomly over the last month.. possibly could have been happening then.. would be interested to know how many wildcards i've lost due to this bug (including common and uncommon wildcards, which don't show up when you ***** packs x10).
Thanks for the help!!
capswood#90777 commented
I did a quick draft crimson vow. Recorded my cards as i went. Should have recieved 36 common wilds and NO new wild cards. non duplicate cards in my cards.