Ban ALL Infinite Combos
Ban ALL infinite combos. Theyre virtually impossible to counter once they start. They undermine the integrity of the gameplay by completely changing the rules of the win scenario.
Using an infinite combo is like a spoiled rotten brat youre forced to play with as a kid because your mom is worried because they have no friends.
The Brat triumphantly yells, "I Win!" You ask for logic or reasoning and their response is, "just cuz!"
And you wonder why you dont have any friends. Winning with an infinite combo is a cop-out for somebody who cant see the game thru to the end.
Well dear user of infinite combos: You crow and cheer yoursel; prausing the accomplishment of a win that should never have been a possibility in the 1st place. Youre like a guy who brings a gun to a fist fight and upon killing the hulking mass of combat experienced muscle you lawd yourself as the better fighter just because you won (when in reality you are not the better fighter.)
A stronger fighter (i.e. the best players) should look for a challenge to win, not take the easy way out.
WotC used to monitor these things. They used to care about balancing the game and banning infinite combos, but since they abandoned us its up to us, the strong players, to fight for a truly balanced battle.
Dont used infinite combos, dont use cards that change the rules for winning (i.e. you win the if... scenarios), dont use planeswalkers, dont copy other people's deck list, and especially dont use cards that you know are broken. Dont accept the fact that WotC allows these cards. Fight for balance then it comes down to wit, intellect, strategy, cunning, not money and lazy copying.

PressureChamber#23947 commented
Finite combos also need to be banned such as those found in the current Dimir Bounce deck. They are all too powerful and often just lead to one player playing solitaire while you sit back waiting for your turn. Really bad game design. Just as bad as printing cards that enable red to consistently win in 3-5 turns.
G-Funky7#35699 commented
they need to be banned - really a major drag on the game, deflates any sense of fair game play.
RacoonJ11#34602 commented
they were part of the game long before any of you played this game. yes sometimes annoying but mostly not so consistent that it destroys the game
IchBinCool#63098 commented
Womp womp dude. Infinite combos helped start magic and are what makes formats great. Banning combo decks would make magic SO boring. All I see people like you as are old men crying that they can't play their 5 mana 4/4 creatures with no abilities anymore. Like grow up and just deal with it, and wotc agrees with me.
Trognar#48155 commented
Infinite combos are a sign of bad game design. If you ban them, it shows that you understand how to fix your mistakes. It might make people believe that WotC isn't a completely incompetent company. After the Pinkerton incident and the MTG30 disaster, you might consider doing as much as you can to gain good will from the community; you know, the people that buy your products and keep this game alive.
ChiefHukawa#87256 commented
Yes. Ban these things. They breed lazy no skill players, it takes away from the game.
Lord Maxtor#33042 commented
Ban infinite combos. Theyre a lazy way to win. No where else in any fantasy, sci-fi, horror (etc.) setting can you go from limited resources to unlimited. Everything has to have a cost.