Mikaeus the Lunarch bugged
Mikaeus the Lunarch bugged. Does not place +1+1 counters on other creatures

Cirrus#37398 commented
does not apply counters still when removing the last one. Works with 2+ though.
The_Spirit_Dragon#35234 commented
The fact that this still doesn't work after two years and they put it in the Arena Cube is icing on the cake. They could have put anything else in its place. Come on, guys.
Karemom#74934 commented
Still bugged. Lost a game because of this. Thanks
Nelly#98876 commented
Activated mikaeus the lunarch with 1 counter and it did not place a +1/+1 counter on my other creatures.
AnArmchair#43496 commented
This seems to still be bugged-- here's a link to a 17lands replay, I can dig for the log file if that would be particularly helpful. https://www.17lands.com/history/e3f67ef0fb414fc8bcc11028bd67c69c/6/0