Extend Timer longer than animations take
Allow us to turn off animations or at least make the timer increase by more than the animation when we are taking actions.
I was infinitely looping acerack to drain out my opponent (It's their right to wait through their slow death), but the animations of playing cards were taking so long that I was losing time even while advancing the board state. I resolved the winning spell that would drain for the last life, but the animation took longer than my timer and the game put an extra counter on a goose rather than draining my opponent for the kill.
Animations are fine, but I don't like losing the game because the game has to do flashes and spirals with stuff phasing in and out of existence while my timer continues running.

For this issue, please submit at: https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and select 'Report a Problem in your Event'.