Phyrexian Vindicator + Gideon's Sacrifice
I've been playing Phyrexian Vindicator + Gideon's Sacrifice for a while now... I'm trying to clarify if this is a bug or a rulings complication that I just don't understand. If Vindicator is on board with a Sacrifice active on the Vindicator, damage becomes very strange. If I get attacked with 5 2/2s, then Vindicator is preventing 10 damage, 5 times, for a total of 50 damage... The attached upload only shows 14 damage twice, but, that's just because that's when I snapped the picture.

Rezzahan#77802 commented
Phyrexian Vindicator has a static ability that creates a replacement effect. Just like Gideon's Sacrifice. You can redirect damage to the Vindicator with the Sacrifice, and then it gets prevented, which results in ONE trigger for exactly the amount of damage that was preveneted. A total of six damage prevented results in 6 damage to ONE target via ONE trigger. You do not get any multiplication.
No bug here, nothing to fix, except your understanding of the game rules.
Zetsubo_Kurayami#70408 commented
It's beyond ridiculous that this has been a known bug for over a year and hasn.t been fixed. Phyrexian Vindicator and Gideon's Sacrifice do not work correctly together. Assumedly anything the redirects damage to Vindicator doesn't work properly. It's and incredibly easy to set up 2 card instant win. Play Vindicator, get attacked, cast Gideon's Sacrifice on Vindicator, and watch as the 6 total damage from 4 creatures is multiplied to 24 damage when 4 triggers of Vindicator's ability each for 6 damage go on the stack and kill you even if you had gained some life that game. The creatures in this example could be something like a 3/3 creature and 3 1/1 creatures.
I've found other bug reports about this exact same thing from as early as February 2023. It's been well over a year, remove vindicator from play until you fix this.
The screen cap is from my game on PC where this happened.
Tleilaxu#36452 commented
the same problem, I recibed (prevented) 37 damage and i can select 7 times an objective.
Any response from wizards?
Impactive#79475 commented
I came here for this exact reason. Tried this combo today a few times and with Solphim the effect is doubled for each instantiation of Gideon’s Sacrifice x Phyrexian Vindicator - twice the combined power of opponent’s attacking creatures for each attacking creature.
Honestly the combo is strong enough without that going on and it feels like an exploit. Would love to know if that’s how it’s supposed to work or if Gideon’s Sacrifice needs to be fixed, as I don’t want to be penalized for using an exploit in ranked matches.