Convoke Bug
I was playing a premier draft and even though I had the creatures to cast a convoke spell (aerial boost), arena skipped my opportunity to cast it as I was blocking with my creatures. This caused me to lose a creature and most likely the game.
I blocked with two creatures on the battlefield, Kithkin Billyrider and Progenitor Exarch with the intention on casting aerial boost on the Billyrider. Arena skipped my turn to cast a spell before damage resolved.

bairfanx#98250 commented
This is still a problem. Just had convoke fail when I had stoke the flames and 4 lizards untapped (2 were red). I wasn't even given a chance to take an action, because stoke the flames was the only one I had.
steven#41114 commented
I think priority isn't being passed back to the defending player after blockers are declared.
I say this because I am having a similar bug, but instead of casting a convoke spell, I am trying to activate Progenitor Exarch's tap ability after blockers are declared but before damage occurs. Instead, I lose the creature before I can activate the ability.