Actually do something about the roping problem
WOTC, PLEASE do something about this problem! For years this has been ongoing and you have done nothing to improve it. This is the #1 most complained about aspect of MTG Arena and you have been absolutely silent on the matter for YEARS. Reduce the turn time; reduce the amount of timeouts people can save up; add an in-game conduct report feature; BAN players who rope; prevent ability to stall by turning on manual control. DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING, PLEASE! And don't tell me we can report it via Wizard support, I know we can do that, and it's not enough, it doesn't solve the problem.

Lampros#30379 commented
It is really a shame that Wizards have done nothing about this problem. Over 75% of my games i am being roped, and it is getting worse, only because Wizards do nothing about it. it is impossible to report every day 15 (or more) people roping. We want to have fun playing and not do the job that Wizards must do. DO SOMETHING ! .What a disgrace... shame on you wizards.
R0bz#25468 commented
I am not even exaggerating when I say over the past 2 days 87 out of 92 games the opponent would rope from mulligan and continue doing so until 1). they just let the connection drop or 2). they wait till the last of their timer is used then quit. It has only been getting worse over the past few months for me. Stop protecting these trolls already!
Darthrc#87184 commented
100% support this. Had to report a player yesterday for roping out every single turn after playing their hand. And then roped every response! The game is too lenient and should be more aggressive at kicking players running out of rope.