Explorer Anthologies
Explorer Anthologies should mostly contain Pioneer playable cards. An inspirational list is attached:
CryptoKitty#16452 commented
I only play explorer and limited draft on arena. I'd love to see more cards that are actually used in pioneer rather than random cards that will barely be played by anyone. The upcoming EA3 is not worth it, and I won't waste my gems
malibu_stacy#71142 commented
why release anthologies in the first place if theres nothing of value in them? why not just say "we dont believe explorer is a good format and gonna discontinue support"? nobody is gonna spend that much money on draft chaff
elbo#93362 commented
Explorer is the format that keeps me engaged with magic—I’m thinking about buying a pioneer deck and likely won’t until I can play the format on arena as wel.
Sol#31274 commented
Definitely needs to be better than these bad releases once every few months
dreme#93982 commented
The fact that any meaningful additions to explorer are being dragged out for so long is hugely disrespectful to your playerbase.
People WILL play and PAY for pioneer on arena, it just does not exist yet.
Iradium#42374 commented
I'd like to see more meta relevant and shaping cards being released into the explorer format as the meta tends to find itself quite stale.
Van Rocczehaus#40878 commented
Pioneer is quickly becoming my favourite format and something I would like to start competing in. I like to get my reps in and experiment with new decks on Arena as it's the most convenient for me and yet I know I'm being robbed of the true-to-paper experience because I'm not playing against the full scope of decks that Pioneer has to offer.
Who was asking for Accorder's Shield? Where are you guys pulling your card pool data from?
How hard would it have been to include Bring To Light?
Treasure Cruise?
Is Delve really that complex of a mechanic? The game seems to handle Escape no problem.
I don't think people would be as frustrated with this anthology if there was a reasoning provided behind each card but instead we are left wondering who this anthology is for. It's definitely not Pioneer players. -
Lainey#25343 commented
I was going to spend money on EA3 but it's just not worth it now. I'm going to spend that money on pokemon now.
Kreft#19794 commented
It's baffling how much of a slap in the face EA3 is. Instead of focusing on your fake card formats that nobody cares about, do better to bring pioneer to Arena so the players that actually spend money can make you rich. On that note also give us modern lite.
Fishpeople#50648 commented
I'd rather have a 5 card anthology every month for a 5th of the price than having to wait 6 months for 25 cards that aren't relevant to the format they are intended to help. If the goal is to reach the relevant cardpool of pioneer, this anthology didn't really did much. Players have voiced wishes to get some cards since the beginning of explorer, and those cards never show up in anthologies and the players never get a reason why not.
CooKe#46296 commented
Please include more relevant cards. It would also be nice if we got more frequent anthologies rather than every 6 months.
CanadianSamurai#71904 commented
Ea3 is complete and utter garbage. Why did you announce that the explorer anthologies would be focused around bringing pioneer fully to arena when that clearly wasn't your plan?
CloverGroom#14806 commented
This doesn’t get us any closer to Pioneer on Arena. A large portion of the cards are chaff and the rest are fringe playable at best or require other cards to reach full potential.
Suzkia#60489 commented
EA3 is really the worst since the announcement of the Pioneer in Arena. Wizard are indefensible on this point.
The Fallen#72565 commented
100% milking this and drawing it out as long as possible, you lie incessantly. These are not meta defining cards. You are parasitic leeches trying to sell lies. Parallax styles are still broken after a year and a half, you offer nothing. Promise to bring pioneer to arena, this anthology clearly offers nothing to that goal. You vomit product rapid fire with zero care to quality! What is your problem?!?!
twardy#26981 commented
This Anthology is a huge disappointment. Please fix.