Fix the economy
It's amazing that the people who designed this platform looked to Hearthstone for inspiration, and then promptly threw away the only things that actually kept people engaged in Hearthstone season-to-season: The ability to dust cards in order to make other cards.
I genuinely have no idea how anyone who actually cares about the health of a game for those who may not have the literal HUNDREDS of dollars (the whole reason to not play paper) or THOUSANDS of hours of time (people who maybe have to work for a living, but it's not like idiot execs with no concept of people who don't have millions at their fingertips understand this) to build an at least half-decent deck capable of winning more than one game on a fluke.
Fix the ******* problem, WOTC. I know you're greedy and can't even conceive of the idea of "making money" and "robust free-to-play systems" not being mutually-exclusive, but they aren't! Just look at Hearthstone (the thing you copied in the first place), Shadowverse (literally a Hearthstone rip), and Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. You can make a new account on any of these platforms and immediately build the best deck in the format with NO MONEY SPENT, and only a few hours of time gathering resources. After the first deck, you can dust it to make the next one, but you'll be a little short. This is an incentive for the player to, I don't know, PLAY MORE or perhaps SPEND MONEY.
When you throw someone into a system that expects them to have their credit card ready the moment they load in if they want to even TRY to have actual fun and not just get mollywopped by everyone who has a credit card or hundreds of hours a month to grind, it's significantly less likely that they'll spend any money at all, let alone stay on the client. Do you people have ANY idea how many users of Cockatrice,, and XMage cite this as their PRIMARY issue with the platform? MOST OF THEM.
Just fix the garbage economy and maybe you won't have to lay off thousands of employees who actually give a **** about your game.