All cards when opening a pack say "First"
Every time I open a pack every single card says "First" even if I already have them. Impossible for me to know what new cards I've received.

Rezzahan#77802 commented
The cards are only labeled as "first", nothing else has changed. Commons and uncommon still give vault progress if you have 4 of them from the set already, and rares/mythics give gems. If anything, a card labeled as "first" can be seen as "you didn't have 4 of that card yet". Because for cards that you do have a full set already, those are NOT labeled as "first".
655321#32285 commented
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, we used to open fifteen card packs and the extra cards we would receive over four would add to our vault percentages. We now open eight card packs and all packs now have "first card" labels. Now are these being added to our vault percentages? It doesn't matter if they are ultra rare, rare, uncommon, or common and we already have them in our collections.