Jump in mission
There is a mission where you have to complete jump in 3 times, I did it once yesterday but after some time it went back to 0, the tokens are 1000g a piece I would very much like to finish the mission, thank you

bazfum#97374 commented
I’m stuck with this too, very disappointing it’s been going on this long…
Melusive#78318 commented
Same issue here. Incredibly frustrating
Frosty#43706 commented
I've done 4 jump events and won atleatst once each time often times more. Everytime I do the event progress will go up but whenever I restart the application ot resets back to 0.
Give us the steps to reproduce the bugJoin Jump in event. > Win Event > See the mission go up to 1/3. Restart the application or wait an hour and restart the application. > Notice the progress for the mission has been reset and can only progress my resigning and starting over.
2. Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)Android
3. Enter the actual results you’re experiencing
Mission progress for the Jump in event win 3 even is uncompletable because progress will keep resetting.
4. Enter the expected results of the feature
To be able to complete the mission
5. Add any relevant screenshots/videos
6. If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.
The only work around is complete 3 Jump in events in a row without having to close or reset the application.
MagicAtenea#67571 commented
Ya me ha pasado 3 veces que al darme el premio, vuelve a 1/3, y esta vez he gastado gemas, me parece que ya he gastado suficiente para que me den el premio
Dared Knave#65082 commented
Impressive, 3 months later and the bug persists. I complete "n" times and aways return to 0.
Pterochicken#50505 commented
Also having this issue. Can only get to 1 by drafting/winning with a deck, but nothing gets me to 2.
Thomas#72499 commented
I've completed this mission about 7 times over, and only once did it go up. It reset to zero soon after.
DogOnlyKnows#11989 commented
Having this issue on Android. Won a few games, counter is still at zero but the token was used up.
Akim#60040 commented
Same here, tried several time, counter gets resetted after 1/3 or 2/3.
Please fix or provide means to bypass this quest.
Not quitting the game yet but reducing activity until fixed. -
Stubaal#69430 commented
I also completed 3, it went up to 1/3 but did not go up to 2/3 after winning the second or third one and went down to 0/3 after I lost one. Can I just have this cleared and go to the next quest? Maybe the token as well?
Zyla#46224 commented
same, yesterday it was 1/3 and wont go up even after i completed 2 more. today it got reset to 0/3.
Burnin'#38732 commented
The same has happened to me, on the Mac edition.
Hoppy#04293 commented
Me too. I spent gold to complete 2/3 and continue another time but the next day it reset. Today I tried to complete all 3 at the same time but they only added up to 1/3 and I couldn't make any further progress. I spent 5k gold for nothing.