Draft loss bug
Twice I have experienced a bug where I was given a loss during a draft when I should not have. First during a premier draft I lost a match and it gave me two losses instead of just one. Second during a quick draft I was given a loss after winning a match. Very frustrating as it cut both those drafts short for me which is a loss of valuable resources as a player
Covale'rahien#01903 commented
This happened to me in an MH3 quick draft (log attached), just now.
I'm fairly certain it happened a few days ago in an Eldrain quick draft, as well. -
LuizHenriqueMTG#89213 commented
I was in the middle of the match, which was tied, when my internet went down and I ended up losing the premier draft match
DAC169#34537 commented
For Draft problems go to https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new/ and select "Report a problem with my event."