iPad Crashing
Twice now in the same game! Twice! This is not a me problem as your ‘helpful’ email suggested. This is a WotC problem, this is a you problem. There are others reporting it, I’ve already reported it. My iPad is up to date, my internet is solid enough to play online for hours and hours on my Xbox, I restart your game between each and every match just to give myself the best chance of a crash free experience. To no avail, none whatsoever, because today on the very first game (of limited, so it’s costing me money each time I’m timewalked), it crashes twice. Fix your game. Other companies are capable of ensuring stability on far more demanding products than yours. Don’t send me another email suggesting I peruse your troubleshooting, this is a you problem. This is a you problem that’s costing me money and what little patience I have left.