Jump In and Starter Deck Duels matchmaking issue?
After today's update, if you attempt to play in the Jump In or Starter Deck Duel formats, you just wait indefinitely on the matchmaking screen (5+ minutes).
If, however, you enter something like Historic Play and select one of the starter decks, you are able to find a match pretty quickly, so the problem seems to be with the specific Jump In and Starter Deck Duel "environments."
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TheloniousBone#38882 commented
Same issue here.
Symfaer#37238 commented
The same problem, iOS and Android. Also, the Color Challenge mode doesn't work too.
Sparky's bot challenge works, as do Sealed, Historic and Brawl modes. -
maitre_edgar#30933 commented
I have the same exact problem since the upate, both on PC and iOS.