Win recorded as loss
I was playing OTJ draft with two losses and 0 wins. I won my next match but the app recorded both 1 loss and 1 win. Since that totaled 3 losses, I’m not able to continue.

Hotriver#42703 commented
I was 3-2 in a standard event, got my 4th win. It gave me the rewards for 4 wins, but also counted it as a loss and kicked me out of the event.
LegsOnEarth#61160 commented
This also just happened to me in Duskmourn Premier Draft
Icy Flurry#74052 commented
I just had this exact same issue except I was at 2 wins and 2 losses. I won the game after, but it counted it as a loss for some reason, putting me at 2-3 and not being able to keep playing.
DAC169#34537 commented
For Draft problems go to and select "Report a problem with my event."