Event expiration date highlighting
On April 21 I joined an OTJ Sealed BO1 event and decided to not play it immediately because I wanted first to try the OTJ limited in some Quick Draft event.
As I always do when I start an event but I do not play it immediately I everyday checked the MTGA event showcase, in the homepage dashboard of the game, to see if the 48 hours countdown of the Sealed event showed up but it did not, neither did in the macrocategory of events "OTJ Limited events" where it usually appear. Beacause of that I was not in hurry with playing the event: I use to wait for that countdown starting to play some of my events and I rely on that. Suddenly I logged in and I found out that the event disappeared and infact I received the prize for zero wins, 200 gems and 3 OTJ packs. I thought it was a bug because the countdown did not showed up this time but after loggin out and in again the event did not appear. So I started reading all of your articles and announcements but I did not find any news about the fact that the Sealed BO1 was going to expire and neither I found an article where the expiration day of that event was clearly reported.
Maybe I am missing something but it seems to me that the expiration day was not underlined or clearly pointed out in your announcements nor in the game itself.
I know that it is probably my fault and that somewhere the expiration day was reported but it was not easy to find also after knowing the event expired and I thought that relying on that countdown was enough as it has always been before and that in some way the event exipration would have been better pointed out. I managed to obtain a refund, a sealed event Token, proving with some screenshot that the countdown did not show up but anyway a better highlighting of event expiration would be appreciated.
I suggest a better highlighting of event expiration date both in-game, where there only is a countdown that sometimes does not show up in the dashboard of the game homepage, for example if there are more relevants news about events, and in your announcements articles, where only the expiration of some events, just like Quick Drafts or Midweek events, is reported. Expiration date of long lasting events like Premier Draft or Sealed of the current set are noy easy to find. One could search in the Event Schedule but an in-game feature would be better.
This would be appreciated for all MTGA events and in particular for those that a player joined but did not already finished playing.
I do not know if there was a bug with the missing countdown or if its absence was intended for the OTJ Sealed event, and in this case the fault was totally mine, so thank you WOTC for the refund, but something like an inbox message, or other in-games things like that, reporting all events that are expiring in the next 48 hours would be nice.
Moreover a dedicated in-game section where we can check the expiration date of all events avaiable in MTGA, not only those expiring in 48 hours, would be easy to implement and at the same time would prevent sad things like the one I described to happen and would allow players a better programming of time and resources mantainance.