Proxies! Solve it once and for all, an untapped market!
In almost every MTG social media group I have noticed the proxy debate has been one of the most debated topics in the feeds. It is clear that playing in sanctioned events officially printed and backed cards are a requirement, however people playing at home have very little desire to buy singles at rates inflated due to tournament play. there are already countless 3rd party proxy printing companies that operate and thrive regardless of what is done and home play groups increasingly allow proxy use for casual play. Why not create an in house proxy printing department that prints official mtg proxies with clear watermarks or even gold borders to indicate not for play in shops and easy for lgs owners to notice. You could charge a reasonable print rate per card and possibly offer bulk order discounts for the purpose of printing full decks. You could still keep RL cards off the offering options to keep collectors happy while settling one of the largest community conflicts by taking over a new market! Think about it, this would be a pretty big win I believe for most everyone and would make playing and learning the game casually widely and openly accessible to the widest audience possible.