Interaction between Kudo, King and Trickster's Elkis not correct
I bestowed Trickster's Elkis on Kudo, King, all the other creatures were 2/2 bears eventhough Kudo, King text was blank out due to Trickster's Elkis

Null#13787 commented
Get salty, ignoramus.
Covale'rahien#01903 commented
This would be a fine explanation if we were dealing with actual global effects (ex. day becomes night). However, that's not how the text of this card reads. It's a static ability of the card. So, yes it should be shut down by anything that removes all abilities.
NoTeef#85439 commented
For others that stumble upon this, here's some more information from a forum with some details about the actual rules interaction.
"As for the interaction of Kudo, King Among Bears, or other Continuous Effects cards such as Ashaya, Soul of the Wild or Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut, with spells that removes all abilities such as with the Bestow ability of Trickster's Elk or even Dress Down, this is intended by the rules. Continuous Effects are placed on an underlying "Global Effects Layered Stack" during a match, and they remains in effect as long as the card with the Continuous Effects remains in play. Even if it lost all it's abilities, the Continuous Effects is and remains in effect.
I would refer you to the rules on Continuous Effects in the Comprehensive Rule book for more information, for Continuous Effects are very nuanced in the way they stack and interact with each other.
Interaction of Continuous Effects
613.6. If an effect should be applied in different layers and/or sublayers, the parts of the effect each apply in their appropriate ones. If an effect starts to apply in one layer and/or sublayer, it will continue to be applied to the same set of objects in each other applicable layer and/or sublayer, even if the ability generating the effect is removed during this process."
NoTeef#85439 commented
Same here
CountZoloft#82072 commented
yeah just lost a game because of this interaction.
sparksfamilyvalues#95319 commented
Effects that set power and toughness are applied in an earlier layer than effects that remove all abilities.