bug with trickter elk and kudo king among bears
opponent played kudo and the next turn i used trickster elks bestow to turn it into a 3/3 with no abilities. when I hover over it it say kudo lost the ability but for the rest of the game all the creatures entered as 2/2 as tho the ability was still there

Rezzahan#77802 commented
Because Kudo also adds a creature type, and thus starts applying in layer 4. Abilities are removed in layer 6. But once an effect starts to apply it will get to apply FULLY, even if the ability creating the effect is later removed while going through the layers. If no part of the effect has been applied yet, THEN removing the ability will stop it from applying altogether. So if Kudo JUST changed p/t, THEN removing its abilties would shut off that effect completely.
The layer system is explained in detail in rule 613. The relevant rule for this case is this one:
613.6. If an effect should be applied in different layers and/or sublayers, the parts of the effect each
apply in their appropriate ones. If an effect starts to apply in one layer and/or sublayer, it will
continue to be applied to the same set of objects in each other applicable layer and/or sublayer, even
if the ability generating the effect is removed during this process.