Draft Floating Coins Bug
I went to OTJ Premier Draft, and came to the screen where you chose how you're going to pay to enter the draft. I saw the normal options on the far right (draft token, gems, coins). I did not want to enter a draft, just see the rewards, and there was an icon just above the 4 wins reward that looked like 2 MTGA coins. Curious why they were there, I clicked on them, and it dumped me into a draft que. I quickly exited, because I did not want to draft, but then I realized that it consumed my draft token. Just hoping to get my draft token back as it was ganked as a result of this bug.
lindwurmschlaefer#40802 commented
Got the same problem and lost a token without wanting that.
DAC169#34537 commented
Go to https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new/ and select either "Report a problem with my Event" or "Account Issues."