drawing only lands in premier draft
I have been playing some Premier drafts in Bloomburrow. Half of my games I draw like 12 lands in my first 17 or 18 cards. There are 3 in my opening hand so that's 8 or 9 lands drawn... It's bad enough if it happens thus much in standard but you actually pay for these matches. Not much fun if you constantly lose because you have like 6 playables in the first half of your deck.
DAC169#34537 commented
For compensation for Draft problems go to https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new/ and select "Report a problem with my event."
However, wotc believe their shuffler to be perfect and will NOT compensate for consistently having mana problems from getting all lands, no lands, or only lands of one color but cards of another.