There needs to be a way to set the auto-tapper to prioritize mana sources based on factors like cards in hand and how many colors a source can produce. I feel like such a moron every time I use it and l get locked out of playing anything for the rest of the turn.
The auto-tapper treats the dual lands that deal damage when used for colored mana as a colorless source of mana, unless given no other option, making complicated combos that much more stressful. To make the aversion to pain worse if you use a mono colored land that deals damage to produce mana, like Barbarian Ring, the auto-tapper will use it last, regardless of your hand or land spread.
Say I have 4 cards in hand on turn 2, Karplusan Forest(rg) and Blackcleave Cliffs(rb) on the field. I want to play Shock(r) and then Cut Down(b) on their turn, the rest of my cards in hand are black and red as my green is late game. The auto-tapper WILL tap the Blackcleave Cliffs to play shock and I will have to sit there because I choose to let a machine make the mistake for me.
Alot of people, especially aggro players, put those lands in the deck knowing we would take the damage. It's a great feature for mono colored decks, but because mtg is based around color combinations and resource management it seems counter intuitive that the system would work in such a manner that undermines the player.