Can WotC work on better deals for players. Maybe to encourage players to engage with what the devs are giving out?
Here are just two examples of WotC not understanding player willingness. Usually shop items are bad but not this bad. Could you try a bit more to care what you are offering in the shop? Maybe even including deals that are properly enticing.
Like the summer (cosmetic) sales that took place over June or July for about 1 week were cute but also a bad deal if you had any amount of the cosmetics in a given bundle.
Its like when WotC lists foundation desk for X gems but you are ONLY getting the cards you don’t have any cards in your collection. Meaning this looks to be false advertising. I’m talking about Magic30 was a great time for WotC to rethink their relationship with players. Not to continue to double down. This only asks for regulatory bodies to investigate WotC for fraud (for selling foundation decks but lying what you are getting).
[Such as I would talk about Golden Packs but I think you know this is fraud to say you get these packs but don’t but then do. Its deceptive and create ill will with people who would actually be willing to pay to play.]
Keep in mind this is supposed to be a game for children (+13). A gambling, deceptive game which I wouldn’t tell a minor to play. Most countries do not like minors gamble. Opening loot boxes, packs, etc for money is gambling. (Yes you can freely earn gems to freely open packs but the gambling mechanic is still there.) If WotC wants to be more accepted by public image, it has to do more to be a properly accessible game for minors.
Risk has a MSRP around 34usd and a basic themed/skinned version of Risk has a MSRP of 75usd. These are fixed prices and unlike Magic, you are not gambling to get the game pieces that you need. I would feel comfortable telling a teen to play Risk and not telling them to play Magic. Just some real talk.