Copied creatures with Three Tree Battalion not working correctly (8/21/24)
Copy of menace creature (thought-stalker warlock) created with Three Tree Battalion was blocked a few turns later as though it didn't have menace with just one creature. Uncertain of the extent of this bug and no capture log.
Update: Next game, the same bug happened with shoreline looter, another creature with an evasive ability that was blocked as though it had no abilities. Screenshot taken this time
mvandii#47740 commented
Noticed same with starscape cleric, azure beastbinder, and champion of Lambholt.
Sniper11#97395 commented
I had a similar issue with the copied Starscape cleric being able to block even though it says it can't block. Perhaps there's an issue with copying keywords. The triggered ability of losing 1 life when you gain life worked just fine.
CosmicKrill#37007 commented
Same here.