Not receiving Mastery Pass XP
PC - Windows -
I am not receiving progress on the mastery pass for completing daily wins. I started the day at Level32 with 950 xp towards the next level. After ten wins, this has not changed.

UrzaT#54040 commented
Same issue. Noted I ended yesterday with 400/1000. Completing all wins every day leaves me with 0, 250, 500, or 750/1000 (with level(s) gained). After first win today, still at 400/1000
Celendhyll#53755 commented
I have the same problem as of today (21/08/2024).
Started level 20 at 500 xp.
Did my daily quest and got 4 daily wins total (for 600 xp total). Mastery pass is still at level 20, 500 xp instead of level 21, 100 xp.
Joining my log file where I did my last win.