Rebuild "did you have fun in the match"
Could you consider rebuilding in-game question "did you have fun in the match?"
As you can see, there are many posts/votes about this but I propose a combined solution.
You should be able to opt in/out to this question by settings in your profile
it should be permanent BUT not as a pop-up but as an additional button at end of game (like 'view battlefield').Add more options.
What info do you get now from that question?
That I liked a match? Ok, I liked.
But for what reasons? That you will not know.
Unless you are viewing match logs.
And I honestly doubt that.
Why I didn't enjoy match? Because I lose?
Or maybe because i draw 10 lands in a row?
Or maybe because my opponent had a great opening and I couldn't do anything.
A 'neutral' option would also be good as from one point I am happy when I win but I'm not happy when I win because my opponent does not have any lands.
As it is now, that question is pointless and additionally annoying as you get it when you just were served with a 'waterfall' of lands...

DalvikExecutable#03160 commented
I second this. I turned to the support with this and wanted to know, what information Wizards wished to acquire by this rather arbitrary question. There is no statistical value in this question whatsoever. I also asked, if it could be deactivated for my account, because the match outcome screen is slow as is and made even slower by this question, which I constantly skip anyways.
Well, support thanked me for my input and sent me here.