Game is rigged and wizards will not respond about inquiries
Ask yourself if this game was not rigged then why doesn't wizards ever go through the effort of responding to ANY of the posts on the feedback page other than to tell people to go to another page and post it there? The company has lied and blatantly scammed its player base for years now and you have kept eating it up like they are giving you liquid gold when its just ****. The player base has to grow a pair and actually try to do something rather than just let them ruin a game that so many of us have enjoyed since we were kids, wtf.

Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
yeah regardless of anything this trash needs to be stopped, unfortunately there are too many basement dwelling suckfiends that will continue to support this company no matter how far they push the BS game they have created.
Kannmanda#44442 commented
They have issus to fix 5 year old bugs you cant expect more,..
Lucky for their "special" dev team inhale and exhale is automatic musclememory -
NeuG#99816 commented
"Businesse is businesse" comme disent les américains et cette entreprise n'échappe pas à cette règle, tant que cette entreprise continuera à jouer sur la frustration des joueurs, elle ne cessera pas de s'enrichir sur le dos de sa communauté de joueurs.
Les joueurs ont leurs part de responsabilité dans la continuité de l'enrichissement de cette entreprise et elle en profite, même en abordant ce sujet à travers les forums de discutions, on constate déni de la part des joueurs lorsque l'on aborde ce sujet, ils payent ..... ils gagnent et ça ne va pas plus loin.
Et cela depuis la création de jeux, il a toujours fallu dépenser des sommes considérable pour obtenir les cartes nécessaires à la construction d'un deck convenable.
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
And I bet this gets ignored or deleted like all the other posts that call them out on their bs, controlling the narrative is their only hope