Put a filter in unranked standard to stop 60 card decks from playing jank 250 card decks
Just add a filter for players who don't want to play against 250 card decks, the decks slow the entire client down, increase rope out chances if you have a 5 drop sheoldred reanimate deck or any deck that has multiple triggers for removing something from an opponents graveyard, huge fail and should not be forced to play against BS 250 card decks who curve out better than 60 card decks anyways.
bonsai#70698 commented
I now just snap-concede to off-format decks. These decks wouldn't be allowed at FNMs aside from "jank day" and they shouldn't be a part of "standard" online play.
At the very least, the default should be to exclude off-format decks with a checkbox option to "allow off-format decks".
Flock0Ducks#12960 commented
pretty simple fix