Inconsistent use of parenthesized rubies for land types under Japanese locale
On the right of the Deck Details screen is a table showing statistics of the deck per types and subtypes. If you are playing under Japanese locale, some land types are presented with parenthesize rubies while some others are without. In particular 平地 (plains) and 山 (mountain) have parenthesized rubies.
Although this inconsistency is less maleficent, I consider it is a bug, because:
- I find no reason to present the particular two land types, plains and mountain, in a different way than others.
- I have never seen on Jaspanese paper Magic cards or other authentic Japanese source that a land type has a ruby on it.
Steps to reproduce the bug
- Run MTG Arena under the Jaspanese Locale (Adjust Options > Graphics > Locale > 日本語 (Japanese). You may need to exit and restart the game for the change to take effect.)
- Visit デッキ (Deck) screen and create a new empty deck by clicking the big plus sign on the upper left below マイ・デッキ (My Decks), then choose タイムレス (Timeless) from the フォーマット選択 (Select Format) dropdown.
- Add several land cards to cover all land types that are available in MTG Arena (possibly after checking 未所持 (Not Collected) on the 高度なフィルター (Advanced Filters) if needed.)
- Click the mini histogram on the upper right (with a hover hint クリックで詳細を見る (Click to see more details)) to show the デッキ詳細 (Deck Details) screen.
PC (Windows 11 Pro 24H2 build 26100.3194)
Actual results
On the right side of the screen list ten land types below the 土地 (Land). Among them, only 平地 (plains) and 山 (mountain) have parenthesized rubies and presented like "平(へい)地(ち)" and "山(やま)".
Expected results
All the ten land types are listed with no rubies, i.e., plains and mountain are presented as "平地" and "山".
Relevant screenshots/videos
See the attachment.
I don't know.