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MTG Arena Bugs & Product Suggestions

This page is for reporting bugs and submitting product suggestions. If you are experiencing issues with your account, with an order, or otherwise need customer support, please click here. 

How to report a bug

1.       Give us the steps to reproduce the bug

2.       Note which platform you’re using (PC, Steam, Mac, Android, or iOS)

3.       Enter the actual results you’re experiencing

4.       Enter the expected results of the feature

5.       Add any relevant screenshots/videos

6.       If you found a workaround, please add workaround steps.


Examples of bugs: Incorrect rules interactions, wrong event rewards, issues with client functions like creating decks


How to submit product suggestions

  1. Select “Product Suggestion” as the Category for your suggestion
  2. Enter your feedback
  3. Add any relevant screenshots/videos


Examples of product suggestions: Feedback on visual effects, recommendations for user interface improvements, new feature requests



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2556 results found

  1. Bug: Discard

    Double Feature Event

    Opponent was able to exploit a bug that prevented him from having to discard more than 1 card. 1st time I cast Aim for the Head, choosing Exile 2 Cards. Opponent cast a Flash creature, then only discard 1 card even though he still had more cards in his hands. The second was activating Evolving Wilds which bugged No Way Out, and only discarded 1 card with more left in his hand.

    All the opponent had to do was add something to the stack, then discard only 1 card instead of 2.

    I do believe this happened…

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  3. ミッドウィークマジックの勝利景品がアンコモンのカードだった


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  4. proble

    bonjour je pense qu'il y a eu une maj se jour et depuis je ne sais plus lancer d'événement j'ai dépenser de l'or et des gem rien a faire il ne veut pas prendre mes deck en compte même dans l'événement traditionnel standard je ne sais pas rentré dedans il refuse mes deck standard la y en a marre des problème dans se jeu je mais des euros dedans et rein ne marche comme il faut!!! la mon défis couleur qui buggais a été fini et depuis plus rien ne fonctionne na part les rencontre contre de vrais joueur aucun…

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  5. non posso completare lultimo scontro della sfida a colori ( verde e rosso ) perche mi dice che ce un errore di rete

    non posso completare lultimo scontro della sfida a colori ( verde e rosso ) perche mi dice che ce un errore di rete

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  6. Mad Science Event Feedback

    I play Arena every day. I say this so you know that I'm invested and that I'm honestly trying to help see the game be the best it can be.

    With that in mind, I'm begging you, please stop locking exclusive rewards (alternate arts in this case) behind such narrowly-designed, pay-to-enter events. I'm fine paying the entry fee, even multiple times, to earn said exclusives, and I don't even have a problem with narrowly-designed events, but when the design leads to EVERY SINGLE DECK being a single playstyle (or slight modifications of said playstyle to react TO said playstyle), it…

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  7. 2021.12.10.652.904583


    plus rien de s'affiche les carte n'arrivent plus juste après une "en attente de synchronisation" pourtant aucun problème de wifi ou autre
    en utilisant un jeton gratuit (donc perdu)
    sur mac

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  8. momir reward

    He jugado el evento momir y las dos cartas raras conseguidas en el evento, han sido kazandu mamut y vanishing verse, ambas cartas ya las tenía con cuatro copias cada una. No debería darme otras cartas que no tenga? Ya bastante es que tenga 8 thalia, las cuatro de historic y las cuatro de crimsom vow, para que encima ahora falle, entre otras cosas, también la protección de cuarta copia en los eventos. Solución?

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  9. 1 vote

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  10. "Havre sans visage" transformé en ange conserve la capacité acquise malgré la fin de tour !

    Terrain "Havre sans visage" transformé en ange conserve la capacité acquise "de "vous ne pouvez pas perdre la partie" malgré la fin de tour et que ce n'est plus un ange !

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  11. No gems on 4th rares in cube drafts

    I have been Playing a fair amount of cute draft, and I've begun to notice that all of the rares I open even if they are the 5th copy of a card have failed to give me gems. And when on my last couple of drafts I opened a 5th copy of the fabled passage which I know for sure I already have 4 Copies of.

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  12. 書庫のカギのドラフト中フリーズ


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  13. Woe Strider Cube event loss

    I was in a cube event down to 1 life, activated my woe strider end of turn and it killed me? Didn't lose life, still at 1, I just lost the game.

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  14. Draft

    Acabei de jogar um draft e minha premiação não foi entregue. fiquei sem minhas gemas, boosters e um prejuízo enorme. espero ter o reembolso das minhas gemas ou paro de jogar o MTG Arena.

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  15. Desafio blanco

    No puedo hacer la última etapa del desafío de mazo blanco. Arroja un error desde hace 1 día

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  16. Should win, the fight was continued

    Hi team,
    How you can see on the screenshot I should win this battle on standard event.
    But the game considered I loose, can you rectify this please?

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  17. opponet gain double life

    My opponent gains double life when he sacrifice a blood token and gain 2 life with gluttonous guest, or gain 2 life when use Travelin Minister.
    I've lost the Draft Event for this bug

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  18. 1 vote

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  19. Decathlon finals timing of ending midday sunday

    The problem I had was my fault for not reading and recognizing the decathlon finals ended midday Sunday. But the fact that as a product I had one Decathlon Token that is not just a buy in event Token left and nothing comes of it leaves a bad feeling to the product that is MTG Arena.

    Also, at the end of the event, there was no buffering; it closed the event and put the prizes in my inventory with no indication what I received or if I received the correct prizes.

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  20. In the Arena Dechatlon finales I used blood to bones to sacrifice my gutterbones but the program didn’t let me click on it making me lose.

    In the Arena Dechatlon finales I used blood to bones to sacrifice my gutterbones but the program didn’t let me click on it making me lose the game and at the end, the event.

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