Game locks when opponent concedes at ranked
Game locks when opponent concedes at ranked.
- The game does not disconect.
- User menu cannot be acces by ESC key. The only way to quit is by closing the game in windows.
- Cards animation and graphics engine still working.
Not the first time that happen. Player concedes inmediatly after played card animation finish.
Always with odd names players. In this case: USBSoundDevice
I think that "Raal, Izzet Viceroy" triggers it... Hard to say if it is a bug or a hack. I was playing murderous raider on him. Or maybe rage quiters are broking the game XD
Color Wheel Bug.mp4 9795 KB -
UTC_Log - 01-13-2021 14.41.46.log 223 KB -
MTGA log- Softlocked Conceed.png 183 KB -
Softlocked Conseeded.png 3404 KB -
MTGA log- Softlocked Conceed.png 183 KB -
Softlocked Conseeded.png 3404 KB -
frozen screen.png 3092 KB -
Clipboard04.jpg 509 KB -
Log20201028_130836.log 1839 KB -
Log20200927_224525.log 20 KB -
Capture.PNG 4849 KB -
MTGA 2020-08-25 17-29-17.mp4 40067 KB -
mtgafrozengame.png 4511 KB -
Bug Arena.png 2176 KB -
Log20200518_092726.log 163 KB -
Log20200502_170656.log 11 KB -
Desktop Screenshot 2020.05.02 - 3386 KB

Atavan#46098 commented
I had the same issue occur after I casted Nissa, my opponent casted Spell Pierce, I started tapping mana to pay for the cost and my opponent concedes which ends up locking my game. I can still look at cards but my opponent is no longer in the game and I cannot quit the game either.
Hilander#90233 commented
Happened again today. One "random" disconnect out of many dozen games, and it was during the final attack for the win, changing a 3 game win into a draw.
Big&Easy#43320 commented
Just had this happen to me as well. Like so:
I have 5 lands in play, no other permanents. Opponent has 2 lands and a Brineborn CutthroatI cast Teferi, Time Raveler
Opponent Responds with Spell Pierce (I have mana available to pay)
Brineborn Cutthroat Trigger goes on the stack
I begin to tap my lands for mana as my opponent concedes
Game soft locks, with no ability to access the game menu to concede the game or otherwise exit the screen. I end the task via the task manager, and upon restarting the client, I am put directly into the match waiting screen. After 30 seconds or so, I am reconnected with the match, saying that both players have submitted after sideboarding for match 3. When the match screen opens, the sideboarding menu is superimposed on the match screen (see photo). When I hit "Done", it sends me back into the waiting screen, which says I have completed sideboarding, but my opponent has not. Eventually it informs me I have lost the match (see photo).
LunarShaddow#70909 commented
Just happened 3 times in a row. Via network sniff, it showed I'm connecting to east USA server.
It sounds like you may need some more troubleshooting advice, please submit at and select ‘Technical Troubleshooting’.
Angrathanddovin#21513 commented
I had a similar thing happen to me. it happened like this:
they ended their turn
they conceded before my draw phase
soft lockthe following screenshot is from when I was into the softlock for 10 minutes
excuse my spelling, since english is not my native language
Murdoctor#39989 commented
Trying to attach the video again; didn't work the first time.
By the way, I was actually in the process of clicking on the mana color when my opponent conceded. Perhaps knowing that timing will help the developers isolate this issue.
Murdoctor#39989 commented
I just had the same issue, but I was choosing the color of mana to get from Domri's +1 loyalty ability when my opponent conceded. No victory screen, and the game continues but can't progress. I recorded a video of the interoperability of the game after this. Everything is responsive, but there's no options menu for me to exit the game, and I can't actually do anything.
Not Mima#91167 commented
I just got the same issue (however I was tapping lands).
ohnokylewhy#34671 commented
My opponent conceded while I was manually tapping Elves for mana, then the game soft locked. No victory screen, no ability to interact, no ability to access game menu. Interactive background elements & card highlighting remained intact as if the game were still proceeding.
Primus#63064 commented
Just curious in case it is game servers - what region are you guys playing in? I'm playing from NZ which I guess would be the Asia Pacific or Oceania region.. unless it's all tied up to the Americas.
Darkred#88015 commented
Same here, sometimes when I concede, or when opponent concedes, the game freezes and shows a disconnected message. The win/loss is correctly accounted in the account though.
Appeared recently after WotS update.
Olaaaf#80887 commented
Game disconnects whenever any player concedes the game. Also happens at other random times, but can reproduce reliably by conceding. This did not happen before the recent updates for WotS :(