My feedback
21 results found
331 votes
8 votes
Murdoctor#39989 shared this idea ·
43 votes
Murdoctor#39989 supported this idea ·
1 vote
Murdoctor#39989 shared this idea ·
15 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Murdoctor#39989 supported this idea ·
76 votes
Murdoctor#39989 supported this idea ·
11 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Murdoctor#39989 commented
Where is this "Technical Troubleshooting section" you speak of?
Murdoctor#39989 supported this idea ·
win registered as loss
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254 votes -
Midweek Magic Card Reward Display Bug
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99 votesMurdoctor#39989 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Murdoctor#39989 commented
I've had this problem happen several times as well. No reward is shown, and you have to click on the screen several times (10+) before it will progress. For two of these instances, I contacted Wizards with a support request, and I was informed by a support representative that I received gems for those wins. Therefore, I believe this only happens when the win rewards you with Gems instead of a Rare card, if you already have all the Rare cards in that set. You won't be able to tell that you got the Gems unless you look at your total before and after claiming the reward.
16 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Murdoctor#39989 commented
I had the same problem. My hand was empty, and I drew Buried Treasure. I had enough mana to cast Buried Treasure, sacrifice it, then use its activated ability from the graveyard to Discover 5. After casting it during my pre-combat main phase, my turn immediately went to Combat. I bypassed the Combat phase, and it moved past my post-combat main phase and ended the turn, never giving me the chance to sacrifice it and activate the ability from the graveyard.
Screen shot attached.
Murdoctor#39989 supported this idea ·
40 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Murdoctor#39989 commented
File attach failed. Trying again.
An error occurred while saving the comment Murdoctor#39989 commented
Same here. Seemed to start with a client update sometime in the last month or two. Video attached illustrating the problem, where my 4th copy of Stronghold Arena was flagged as "First" when I opened 2 Dominaria United packs.
Murdoctor#39989 supported this idea ·
Obtained cards tagged as new but were already owned
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Magic The Gathering Arena Screenshot 2023.10.26 - 3191 KB -
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Magic The Gathering Arena Screenshot 2023.10.26 - 3191 KB -
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Magic The Gathering Arena Screenshot 2023.10.26 - 3191 KB -
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238 votesMurdoctor#39989 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Murdoctor#39989 commented
I noticed this happening after the last update, when the new feature was added to tag cards from the "Bonus Sheet".
9 votes
Murdoctor#39989 shared this idea ·
The Long Reach of Night Bug
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382 votesMurdoctor#39989 supported this idea ·
87 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Murdoctor#39989 commented
Yes, we should have the ability to select default basic lands, and also have the option to "disable" lands we don't want from showing up while building/changing decks. Even just the ability to mark lands as "favorites" and only having your favorite lands show up by default would be OK.
Murdoctor#39989 supported this idea ·
321 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Murdoctor#39989 commented
The daily quests are appearing in the morning, but the daily win rewards aren't resetting until much later in the day. These used to happen at the same time.
Murdoctor#39989 supported this idea ·
8 votes
Murdoctor#39989 shared this idea ·
win a game in play modality (not ranked)make limited rank get a downgrade
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857 votesMurdoctor#39989 supported this idea ·
Game locks when opponent concedes at ranked
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286 votesAn error occurred while saving the comment Murdoctor#39989 commented
When my opponent was moving to their combat phase, I clicked on my Nyx Lotus to tap it for mana (to cast blue spells with Gadwick on the battlefield, to tap down my opponent's attackers), and my opponent conceded while I was clicking on the Nyx Lotus. I heard the normal explosion-sound when my opponent concedes, but the "Victory" overlay did not appear. The settings/gear icon is gone, and I can float over and click on things, but I can't exit or progress from the match. I had to shut down the game from the Task Manager.
I will attach a video showing the "stuck" game state.
Murdoctor#39989 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Murdoctor#39989 commented
I just had this happen again. My opponent tried to Quench my spell, and then conceded as I started to tap the mana to pay for the Quench tax. My opponent was gone, the "gear" at the top of the screen disappeared (so I couldn't exit the game), and I could not take any actions at all.
An error occurred while saving the comment Murdoctor#39989 commented
Trying to attach the video again; didn't work the first time.
By the way, I was actually in the process of clicking on the mana color when my opponent conceded. Perhaps knowing that timing will help the developers isolate this issue.
An error occurred while saving the comment Murdoctor#39989 commented
I just had the same issue, but I was choosing the color of mana to get from Domri's +1 loyalty ability when my opponent conceded. No victory screen, and the game continues but can't progress. I recorded a video of the interoperability of the game after this. Everything is responsive, but there's no options menu for me to exit the game, and I can't actually do anything.
43 votes
Murdoctor#39989 supported this idea ·
I have 5 "Classic" emotes enabled (shown on the left side of the screen) and 9 of the "Phrases" emotes (on the right). I can't hit "Confirm" after enabling a 10th emote on the right, because it says I can't have "more than 15 emotes". However, it won't let me actually have 15, so it's really disallowing more than 14 total.
See the screenshot attached.