stacked card stuck on screen
When playing against GW Auras, an opponents creature had 5+ enchantments stacked. AS I Was clicking through the stack to see each one, the full art for one of them became 'stuck' on the screen, covering the combat area. it did not go away. When I went to combat on my next turn, I could not see what blockers were declared due to the card in the way.

For this issue, please submit at: and select 'Report a Problem in your Event'.
mercury#70667 commented
[黙示録、シェオルドレッド]を破壊する為に[冥府の掌握]をプレイしようとしたが対象に出来ず、やむをえず全体に影響のある[底への引き込み]をプレイした瞬間に敗北した。 -
dourrier#94235 commented
Same thing here. How do I get reimbursed?!
shesmalicious#99740 commented
Same thing happened to me
Titan#06840 commented
I played the card "Lurrus of the Dream Den" and he show me the cards from my graveyard. When I know hover over one of the cards the game enlarge the Card for better vision. The problems is that this enlargment sometime stuck. After that I can*t use the cards behind the enlarge Card.
In the Picture yiu see the big card "footfall crater". Behind that card I had a six card on my hand, but i cant Play that card because it is blocked by "Football carter" -
BinbouMiko#16674 commented
Here is the image attached.
BinbouMiko#16674 commented
I have encountered this issue.
They played an enchantment, I wanted to read the description of it. It went directly to combat and then it was stuck.
hiimray#83107 commented
I experienced a bug which sounds similar:
Actual results:
-I was playing a game in the Ranked Draft Theros Beyond Death mode.
-My opponent and I had each gone through a number of turns already.
-It was my turn to play.
-On a previous turn, I equipped both the Wings of Hubris and the Shadowspear Equipments to one of my creatures (I believe it was a 1/1 white Human Soldier token created by Omen of the Sun).
-On the turn the bug started, I had clicked on the Equipment cards to examine them.
-While I was looking through the Equipment/Enchantment browser, my opponent destroyed the creature with said Equipments with a Triumphant Surge spell.
-The display for the Equipment I was looking at when this happened, Shadowspear, then enlarged and became stuck on my screen, minus the bottom portion of the card, where the card description usually is. -The attached image shows my turn after the turn the bug started - with an enlarged Shadowspear still stuck on my screen and completely blocking view of one of my opponent's creature tokens.
-The enlarged card was interactive; hovering over the display would cause the outline of the card to be highlighted - the same as currently occurs when hovering over a normal Equipment card which is on the battlefield - and clicking on the enlarged card would bring up a menu displaying my options for activating an ability of that card - the same as currently occurs when clicking a normal Shadowspear card which is on the battlefield.
-During the entire time that the enlarged Shadowspear card remained on my screen, the normal-sized Shadowspear card did not appear to be present on the battlefield in the location it should have been at, nor any other location on the screen so far as I could see.Expected results:
The enlarged Shadowspear card should not have persisted on-screen, obstructing the view of other items on the battlefield.
-The normal Shadowspear card should have reappeared in the unattached/unequipped Enchantment/Equipment enchantments section of the battlefield.Workaround:
-The issue persisted for a couple of turns, but it seemed to resolve itself spontaneously on one of my later turns.
-I don't fully recall, but I believe it resolved as I played another land from my hand.
-After the enlarged display disappeared, the normal-sized Shadowspear card reappeared at the normal location for Equipments on the battlefield.