Missing Mythic Card Reward
Upon reaching level 28 on my Theros mastery pass, I did not received the listed mythic rare card reward. I did receive the daily card reward that was awarded as a result ot the same game, but no mythic card. I checked my collection and there no new mythic cards added.

windhaman#10886 commented
I am having this issue as well, I have leveled up twice with no mythical reward
For this issue, please submit at: https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and select 'General Questions'.
Nicsun#38508 commented
I haven't received my mythic cards for the entire March of the machine mastery pass. Not only the mythic cards but the lv 72 uncommon also does not proc anything to my tally or random card. I'm not getting a mastery pass again if this is the case.
itoshiying#34860 commented
Upon reaching level 51 on my mastery pass, I did not received the listed mythic card reward. I did receive the daily card reward that was awarded as a result ot the same game, but no mythic card. I checked my collection and there no new mythic cards added.
BigBeardedPapa#04573 commented
At Brothers War mastery pass levels 18, I did not receive the Mythic card rewards. From what I've seen I'm not the only one having this issue. Thank you for looking into this.
Kevin -
Knight of Honor#96776 commented
At levels 8 and 11 of the Domanaria United Mastery Pass, I did not receive the mythic card rewards. If you check my collection, all my DMU mythic rares came out of opened packs. Please look into this issue at your earliest convenience.
Thank you,
Nick -
leavingthefall#50439 commented
I completed level 64 and 67 of SNC mastery pass but did not receive either mythic reward wild cards.
darkivan#47092 commented
I bought the pass and didnt receive mythic card, today i got level 22 and also nothing, sorry bad english.
StonedFlies#86380 commented
here is log
StonedFlies#86380 commented
have not received last 2 mythic card rewards from mastery pass. lvl 20 and 25... PLease help!
HU3Brutus#41695 commented
More than 10 times, not receiving card rewards
HU3Brutus#41695 commented
I have had the same situation for my account. This is getting ridiculous it happens all the time with these rewards whether they be uncommon or mythic rare.
Zorom#84965 commented
I have had the same situation for my lv 9. This is getting ridiculous it happens all the time with these rewards whether they be uncommon or mythic rare.
Ferrum_Rex#39707 commented
same for when i got past lvl 48
Reddo#08851 commented
I am also having this issue for mastery rewards
Pivobispo#79684 commented
Same problem here. It seems that if you acquire a daly reward as a card, as the same time you acquire a mastery reward, you will acquire only the daily card.
For this issue, please submit at: https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and select 'General Questions'.
ricardopopado#19290 commented
Same here, except it was Lvl 38 already but now that I think back, I can not remember getting any mythical reward in any of the levels