Full Control Mode deactivates itself
Just lost another match, because Full Control Mode deactivates itself. A lot of times I can prevent those losses, because I press Ctrl like a maniac during the same turn. This time I activated Full Control Mode in my first main phase, then attacked with Gallia of the Last Dance. I had no chance to play my card before the triggered ability resolved, resulting in having to discard unlucky exactly that card. Normally I would play it with Gallia's trigger on stack. Really frustrating to lose a game and my ressources for that event (1.500 Gems) like this. Please fix!
On the other hand: Same is true for Auto-pass mode. It also just deactivates itself and still asks me for actions. I don't see the point here.

GoodyPhil#71064 commented
Why would anyone want full control mode to turn itself off automatically? Why would "temporary full control" be a useful thing?
At the very least, there should be a gameplay setting to make ctrl toggle full control permanently instead of temporarily. It's not user-friendly and it's very unintuitive behavior
Xeraph#63841 commented
Totally agree with OP. Full control should be just that. FULL control, not lose control when something happens.
DrDamage#93694 commented
Can you fix this? This is beyond infuriating. We need a 'KEEP FULL CONTROLL' option ALWAYS ON. I do not want to click ctrl+shift every single time, or click 'ctrl' by an accident ant swtich it off.
Bring back "full control" button in the UI.
PEGU#30664 commented
Please fix full control so it doesn't drop off as you move from phase to another. It should STAY on until deactivated.
Isos#92135 commented
Happened to me many times while playing a deck with Stifle and a bunch of "You lose the game" triggers. Very frustrating
FeChagas#21458 commented
I'm trying to get used to full control, looked for this option on the configuration of the game and nothing, end up here. :)
Raedyn3#22280 commented
Full Control should be added as a permanent setting, period.
jordiebear#40627 commented
I can consistently reproduce this behaviour, and it's very frustrating and stressful. My friend was also able to reproduce it on demand.