Error Updating Data
The game is stuck on startup.
It says : "Error Updating Data - Please check your connection and try again".
Obviously my connection work just fine. I think this is a bug.
Thank you for your time and patience
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jsmaloney#84050 commented
I have the exact same problem. It is getting ridiculous. They update the game and now I can't even play. I paid money, I kind of want a refund cause of it. This issue is ridiculous. 7/11/2020, and probably about 3 weeks early. I uninstalled and reinstalled but still have the problem.
BizNasty_12#50248 commented
I have this same issue but have a Mac. How to fix?
Smfx88#33327 commented
Hey, so I just encountered this issue 7/7/2020
What I did to fix it.
Reboot router, modem and computer
Tried unchecking all boxes in proxy settings and restarting MTGA
nothing workedPulled up my event viewer and found a DCOM error within the hour
Push Windows key+R to pull up RUN command box
type "Services.msc"
hit enter
scroll down to "Portable Device Enumerator Service"
I started it and then immedieatly stopped it
Tried to start up MTGA and she ran no problems
Good Luck -
Bellerophon#12702 commented
This has been a bug since February? Get on your horse Arena, I can't log in anymore. Tried the various troubleshooting steps, nothing. It's not me, it's you.
conortrawinski#33702 commented
I have the same issue. I just finished a draft and I got kicked out of the game with this error. I cannot get back in. I tried the solutions below.
GodLikesMe2#03348 commented
SOLUTION (in Windows 10) that worked for me after experiencing the same problem these past days and trying numerous fixes to no avail:
1. Go to Start --> settings --> Network and Internet --> Proxy (it is important to make the changes here and not within ur specific wlan/internet connection)
2. Disable all 3 functions (in standard settings 2/3 are turned on)
3. Restart mtga --> instead of the error updating data msg you shoudl receive "looking for updates" --> this takes a while then you are in the game.
4. Play and have fun. Worked for me, hope I could help! -
NunoTaborda#38264 commented
Got stuck with this error since March, also. Can't play since then.
Any luck getting a fix on this issue?
Searclaw#20867 commented
Same here, no proxy settings, defragged drive, more than enough space on the hdd, added firewall rules just in case, uninstalled, reinstalled, restarted, no joy.
DKilleth#09523 commented
So, I'm having the same issue, but I do NOT have Proxy server settings turned on within my LAN settings...
slade#78111 commented
Found the issue here guys, worked for me! You have to turn off your proxy server within your LAN settings. Check out the article here how to do it -
AffoffA#61043 commented
Same problem
Overwrote#57683 commented
Having the same problem following today's update.
Dragon Lee#45895 commented
Same problem. Please help. Thankyou for your time.
LuBuFu#48263 commented
I can confirm, same problem. Reset router/reinstalled etc. etc.
No dice -
efebepe#14446 commented
I am having the same problem
GreatOdinSon#71597 commented
Same here
Myr_wlk#71526 commented
I have the same issue
SRokej#83487 commented
Is there any updates or possible solutions to this issue?
I have tried all the solutions offered on this page:, and I previously contacted Customer Support to no avail.
angrymob#00849 commented
i have the same issue
It sounds like you may need some more troubleshooting advice, please submit at: and select 'Technical Troubleshooting'.