Error Updating Data
The game is stuck on startup.
It says : "Error Updating Data - Please check your connection and try again".
Obviously my connection work just fine. I think this is a bug.
Thank you for your time and patience
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vipyosshy#01510 commented
Ascenrial#87184 commented
Having the exact same issue, tried using a VPN, wifi, mobile data, combinations of the aforementioned.
Cleared data from phone, uninstall for a fresh boot. Absolutely nothing has worked and I'm locked out. -
StardustPipeline#19442 commented
I've submitted two tickets and still waiting. I paid to play the alchemy set and haven't been able top the last few days. Missing out on dailies on top of all that. Not a word from them very frustrating all around. Get it together.
Langriss#21617 commented
I'm also having the problem I haven't played in about a day and came back to this wow if they don't fix it there poor software stole money from everyone of us I pay for this kind of service
DSR#17041 commented
This is a joke. Are they going to fix this or even make a statement? We can’t play on any device
Ghostmayne#30249 commented
I have the same problem
SonGokuHD#25348 commented
first i had issues with installing the update after that worked i'm also not able to login to the game now "Error Updating Data" keeps me from connecting to the server
harakiri_king#37771 commented
Able to log in the game with a brand new alt account. Even able to download the patch with no issues. Clearly it's linked to the account. Wizards support has no help or guidance at this point (Incident 3795953).
AetherDragon#19671 commented
I'm having this issue with my phone. It was working fine until March 5th update and now I can't get in at all. I've tried it all. I might be a tech genius but the suggestions all seem pretty obvious and useless. Updated,reinstalled,reset...ect ..checked everything suggested.
Does anyone have any real help for this on mobile? I can't face this much reality without a distraction......
DoubleDragon#32867 commented
I'm having the same issue. I've reinstalled at least 10 times now and done every possible combination of suggestions from other people with this issue from the last year. Tried on phone, ipad, and desktop with wired connection, wireless, and mobile data, and I get the same issue. I also did a fresh download from Steam and Epic. Seems to be tied to the account. I played one game after the update and it booted me and gave me the error.
betacon#67934 commented
HPoirot#18301 commented
Tried the quick device name and language settings fixes. No dice.
Guess I'll pray that a full re-install magically fixes it tomorrow.
I'll have more time for productive hobbies if it isn't fixable, so that's a silver lining (or I'll just waste it on a better coded digital card game instead).
Rheticus#27268 commented
Deleted everything twice and reinstalled every way I could find. I cannot get connected.
dfisch#63286 commented
I'm having the same issue. Tried everything to no avail.
KiloDeltaKilo#98782 commented
“Error Updating Data” after updating in mobile iOS. Update fully downloaded many hours ago. Tried reinstalling, signing out/in on both wireless and phone data but with no success. I’ve been reading horror stories about this bug from people locked out of their account for days on end, also that it’s account specific? Bummer that it seems to keep reoccurring.
obomobo#64796 commented
Broke for me on my Mac. Tried uninstalling and re-installing on my Mac and starting from Epic Games Launcher multiple times to no success.
ShrekDavis#86352 commented
I've been having this issue for like a month now. i did this yesterday and it fixed it but after i closed my app it broken again .... ... im not doing this every time i want to play arena </3
Flush DNS and Winsock ResetTo do so on a PC:
Close the MTG Arena client
Open a Windows command prompt (cmd.exe) as an administrator
Type ipconfig /flushdns and press enter
Type ipconfig /registerdns and press enter
Type ipconfig /release and press enter
Type ipconfig /renew and press enter
Type netsh winsock reset and press enter
Restart your computer and launch the MTG Arena client -
Crvo#96280 commented
Arena broke for me on PC. Works on Android. I wouldn't spend money on a mobile game I can only play on my phone. Unacceptable outage of service for a product I spent earth dollars on. Hire some laid off workers back on, apologize very nicely, and fix the dang thing.
BeardyPlays#06176 commented
Getting the Error Updating Data issue on iOS (iPad). Have tried updating iOS, deleting and reinstalling app, nothing works. I can sometimes play but it’ll drop me out of random games frequently. This sucks!
Gruer#58888 commented
Been haveing this issue for almost 3 weeks now counting this one.
2 weeks ago, before the new set it was inoperable for a week.
Last week I was able to log in to do some dailies on. Thus week I am now yet again locked out of my account I tried reinstalling, uninstalling, and moved over to steam and none of it has fixed the issue. This issue only works on my PC version. What makes it even more aggravating is my redeemed a prerelease code on pc so I am unable to open the packs untill I can get back onto pc.