Opponents triggers counting down my timer after I hit resolve all
I get that if I have priority, I need to do something and my timer starts. But after I've already hit "Resolve All", why should I be punished for my opponent playing a deck that has a million triggers?
CarvenSlayer#48429 commented
This just happened to me. Hello from 2024. I would have won the game, which was ranked. I was playing a deck I have with 70% win rate out of almost 100 matches, my opponent played his entire hand and had nothing left, a scute swarm land tutor combo. I had a board wipe and enough mana to play it once it was my turn. Each trigger cycle took about 1 second to resolve. There were at least 300, probably around 400 total. That's 6 and a half minutes. By the time I was able to do anything, I had literally timed out of my entire next turn. Take an extra turn effect basically, but in a mono green deck cause of an exploit.
Look, when this situation happens, it's always the same trigger cycle happening multiple times. All you have to do is give us the option to insta-resolve whatever portion of it we choose, which may of course be all of it. That doesn't seem like a big deal to add to your game relatively speaking.
Robot_Hero#05626 commented
was playing Brawl and while i was tapped out on mana, my opponent created over 30 tokens creating 200 life gain triggers + an additional Heliod trigger for each one. I get a timer warning for not being able to do anything while they get to play just fine and not get any punishment for not being able to interact on their targets any more but here i am not able to even play a land on my turn as the timer still says I am a causing the issues of slow playing and have to wait until main phase 2 for the client to recognize that for the past 3 minutes i was just trying to play land for my turn. Since they got no game loss for forcing a slow play and punishes me for not being able to skip the animations and triggers, Everyone needs to make decks that forces the timer to run out because it is more effective way to win.
Arenaplayer7171#43161 commented
This absolutely needs to be elevated somehow or I will be uninstalling MTG Arena. It's a very obnoxius exploit and honestly cheating. I think my last opponent did it intentionally as he made it so that it wouldn't skip by adding a unicorn with the Horn of Gondor so that it couldn't skip through his life gain procs. It caused me a loss in Ranked which is absolutely unacceptable.
TheGreatMuldoon#79065 commented
I encounter people doing this at least once a week
Panacide#05055 commented
This just happened to me. Sat through a match for over an hour to end up losing because my opponent produced 300 triggers.
FaronVayne#50286 commented
Just lost due to a time out on a single trigger, no available response for opponent or myself but I lose while waiting for a ninjutsu to resolve? Good thing I wasn't on ranked.
Pfaltzgraf#94526 commented
Just happened to me, as well. I suspect I was still going to lose but would have liked the opportunity to fight back against the Scurry Oak deck but not only did all of his triggers take all my time extensions but it also skipped my entire turn. Why are the opponent's animations and triggers counting against me? Please get this fixed.
Stormlock#18182 commented
I've lost two ranked matches this way I would have otherwise won. My opponent had no way to kill me (Pact Weapons in play + many counters in hand), was about to deck themselves, but created so many triggers my timer ran out after theirs did, and when it became my turn I lost the game for no reason. Bugs in the client should not be a primary win condition for a deck.
DethBringa#53047 commented
Just lost a ranked game due to my opponent filling the stack with abilities. Not 1 single item on the stack was from me, yet after his 4 timer ropes were used up, it started ticking mine. Once I was on my last timer rope the stack finished resolving and allowed me only a few secs to assign blockers to the 30+ creatures I was attacked with. Every time I assigned a blocker the creatures would jump around making it hard to do quickly. I managed to block about 4 before my time was up.
I shouldn't lose a game due to my opponent eating MY timer rope.
MBGucky#59773 commented
I had the same issue even when it was my opponents turn and his time has already run up.
InCogito#78223 commented
I lost a cool game only because of this, since every turn of ours lasted 15 minutes. there were so many trigger combos with counters & creatures that it took ages with that stupid functionality that needs to distribute every single counter immediately & not do it all in a faster manner somehow in the end & ask for a resolve from the opponent. I stopped the game because of this. It stops making fun if the app is the only reason why it sucks to build crazy combos...
cleric class lvl 2 & trelasarra, moon ancer + some passionate orators & a card that creates lots of tokens per life/attack/counter--> this app is dead. exponential trigger combos should be rewarded, not a problem for the players. i liked the game before this happened too often.
hexagon#13980 commented
I had this happen *twice* today against the Scurry Oak deck. The first time they stacked literally hundreds of triggers, and it was nowhere near being done by the time I "conceded", after which I needed to sit and watch for several more minutes after I was already dead as the UI was unresponsive.
The second time, they couldn't stack quite enough triggers, and I managed to get my turn with a few seconds to spare. The first game was a 100% chance of winning if I'd been able to take my turn (Massacre Wurm and Elesh Norn ready to go). The second game I did win.
I know they made some changes to tokens a while ago, probably for the best, but this is still a painful way to lose. And I can't help but wonder if the people who play these decks realize this bug exists and exploit it to win matches they should lose.
Golem Geek#30562 commented
yeah this is STILL happening. wtf.
Ssammael#94335 commented
I had the same occurance. Very frustrating. This bug prevents games from being played out to the extent each player is willing to let an opponent's turn/stack resolve when they are performing a high quantity of actions. I was very much enjoying the game, even when waiting many minutes tapped out while they played their turn and performed their actions. Then I started losing timeouts and nothing I could do prevented it, which resulted in a ranked loss that I would have otherwise won, if allowed to play out.
As a side note to this, there should be a better UI for stack triggers that happen in large numbers. Such as when a player having to add 200+ counters manually and the opponent is tapped out or auto-passing/resolving, a method for logically resolving the stack and then letting the user assign counters to creatures via a popup box similar to setting X mana when casting spells.
Dedwrekka#51784 commented
My opponent was playing several copies of Scute Swarm with several copies of Murasa Rootgrazer.
My opponent was returning lands to their hand and playing them (using Rootgrazers) during both my turn and theirs, despite being at the maximum token limit, gaining no additional benefits. I hit resolve all each time. However each time it would use my timer first, then go to theirs, and even after there were no more timeouts remaining, they would rope out and not lose but just continue to resolve all of their triggers. For multiple turns. By that point they wouldn't even attack, just continuously trigger 241+ triggers for no purpose other than wasting time.
Eventually this resulted in a "Match Complete, GRE error" draw.
Added my log.
IzzysBestFriend#33015 commented
This is still a problem - happened to me today - even beyond it being unfair that I am the one punished for the time the triggers take (exactly as last commenter mentioned, the other player's time ran out, then mine ran out then when triggers ran out I wasn't able to play my next turn, just draw a card and then play passed to the other player) but the biggest problem is that the Arena's animation takes so long that BOTH players are forced to use all of their time outs while doing nothing but watching the pile diminish. Once I've "acknowledged all" get rid of the excess animation and just put the counters out. Please either fix this bug or get rid of excess animation.
Oddrath#38237 commented
Twice in the past few days when playing against scurry oak combo in historic my opponent has put 300+ triggers on the stack after I have either hit resolve all or had no playable actions. After their timers expired, my timers started counting down and expired, then I got a warning take an action or concede message and once all the triggers had resolved my side untapped I drew a card their side untapped and I died, with no chance to act during any of that. Notably this is not a trivial case of failure to concede as I would almost certainly have won one of the games and was still live in the other despite the non-lethal "infinite" combo.
Joozey#06767 commented
Bunp. Believe it or not, this is still happening.
UltraX#36072 commented
Still a problem. Shouldn't still be a problem.
stopbreedingnow#42667 commented
yes this is extremely annoying, i hate losing my timer while the opponent spells trigger, when i already hit auto pass. shift enter might help but usually if i do that i end up losing cuz of it. but the game needs to give you some "free" seconds to click resolve of your opponents **** without it affecting your actual game timer.. most of this could be solve if they would use AUTOYIELDING like the way that MTGO does! make the mtga programmers play mtgo!