Duplicate Protection Not working
Duplicate Protection is still having troubles (and this site justs sits at "posting comment" forever for pictures). I had it happen right before logging out in this log.
MTGA 6_13_2020 10_01_53 PM.png 1084 KB -
MTGA 6_12_2020 2_17_42 AM.png 1145 KB -
MTGA 6_10_2020 6_36_15 PM.png 1120 KB -
MTGA 6_5_2020 5_52_35 PM.png 1200 KB -
MTGA 6_3_2020 11_16_41 PM.png 1159 KB -
MTGA 6_1_2020 12_35_07 PM.png 1170 KB -
MTGA 5_31_2020 3_53_59 PM.png 1255 KB -
MTGA 5_29_2020 8_00_38 PM.png 1125 KB -
MTGA 5_26_2020 8_34_52 PM.png 1057 KB -
MTGA 5_26_2020 5_11_39 PM.png 1240 KB -
MTGA 5_23_2020 6_31_00 PM.png 1345 KB -
MTGA 5_18_2020 9_28_47 PM.png 1081 KB -
Log20200613_220224.log 2 KB

NLP#02898 commented
I got a duplicate Soul Guide Lantern old border. I already had one. Help please? (duplicate cosmetic in midweek event)
Sven_Hagedorn#55157 commented
Specifically for the enchanted tales I keep getting duplicates of cards I have 4 ofs.
hycn1#76419 commented
The duplicate protection is broken. I opened a MOM pack today and got a fifth copy of 'Angelic Intervention' instead of a wildcard. I proceed to open WOE packs to record and double check to see if the duplicate protection is working properly. Please see below cards received from opening WOE packs. My finding shows that the duplicate protection is broken. Wildcards, gold count, and gem count all remained the same despite opening a fifth copy (example shown was for 'Dragon's Mantle' but have been getting a unusual amount of 'Garruk's Uprising' and 'Griffin Aerie'). I have submitted several issue about this issue since September to customer service, but have yet to have this issue resolved. Now I am posting under Bug/Product after screen capturing the full process of the event/issue.
Dakmor#93419 commented
I had the same issue opening few pack of MOM, from how long it last this thing?
Dragon17#63364 commented
I just opened 20 packs of MOM an received gems for almost all and I am still missing 17 rare cards.
AZBYC#29820 commented
hello, I am recieving gems instead of rares for sets i have not completely collected ie:MOM
Bodies#16515 commented
I had this happen across multiple consecutive pack openings. Cards I know I have four copies of (I use 4x in my decks) appearing - Have I just missed out on the card entirely?
cowboyup#00233 commented
I am having the same issue. I just bought 45 packs of Throne of Eldraine hoping to complete my set. I own less than 4 copies of many of the rares of this set. When I went to open 10 packs at a time, most of them gave me gems instead of a new rare. I did it a second time and all of them were gems. Now I'm not opening any more for fear of it happening again!
JFS-MTG#85524 commented
I'm sitting on hundreds of un-opened packs, so that I will Benefit from ICRs. I refuse to open packs until the set has rotated out of the ICR cycle. Why do you punish players who spend the most on your game? People that can afford to buy 100's of packs typically are adept with mathematics, but I'm pretty sure an 8th grader can see that the more you spend the less you get. FYI, super bad business model you got going on.
Hyperion#83817 commented
I just opened a Crimson Vow booster and got a fifth Thalia, Guardian of Thraben. I already got three from HA2 and one from Inistrad CV, although there are still several rares missing from this set.
JettBlack#37303 commented
I just opened a Kaldheim booster, a set I have very little of, and got gems. I don't even have half the rares let alone play sets of all of them.
20pesos#87477 commented
I have multiple experiences receiving Rare/Mythic ICR that I have a complete set of. Shouldn't I receive GEMS or a different rare instead?
Calau#25465 commented
more info
Calau#25465 commented
can i get refund ?
I cant buy packy anmore because of bug -
XR17#16172 commented
Same issue with me. I still have uncollected cards from M21, but if I open a M21 booster pack, I'll often get a gem token instead of a rare.
For this issue, please submit at: https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and select 'General Questions'.
doughsthoughts#47054 commented
It's happening to me also. I just got got a Zagoth Triome from a daily ICR win, There are 8 Rares I still don't have in Ikoria, Plus I almost don't have any of the full sets. Was really surprised to see a "uncommoin" ICR upgrade to Rare to only get Gems for it. When there is literally 8 rares i don't even have a single copy of.
[87173] [UnityCrossThreadLogger]<== PostMatch.Update {"id":-1,"payload":{"questUpdate":[],"dailyWinUpdates":[{"delta":{"gemsDelta":20,"goldDelta":0,"boosterDelta":[],"cardsAdded":[],"decksAdded":[],"starterDecksAdded":[],"vanityItemsAdded":[],"vanityItemsRemoved":[],"draftTokensDelta":0,"sealedTokensDelta":0,"vaultProgressDelta":0.0,"wcCommonDelta":0,"wcUncommonDelta":0,"wcRareDelta":0,"wcMythicDelta":0,"artSkinsAdded":[],"artSkinsRemoved":[],"voucherItemsDelta":[],"eventTokenDelta":[]},"aetherizedCards":[{"grpId":71326,"goldAwarded":0,"gemsAwarded":20,"set":"IKO"}],"xpGained":25,"context":{"source":"DailyWins","sourceId":"9"}}],"weeklyWinUpdates":[],"battlePassUpdate":{"trackName":"BattlePass_M21","trackTier":0,"trackDiff":{"currentLevel":47,"currentExp":450,"oldLevel":47,"oldExp":425,"inventoryUpdates":[]},"rewardWebDiff":{"currentUnlockedNodes":[1,6,11,16,21,26,0,5,10,15,20,25,4,9,14,19],"currentAvailableNodes":[2,3,24],"oldUnlockedNodes":[1,6,11,16,21,26,0,5,10,15,20,25,4,9,14,19],"oldAvailableNodes":[2,3,24],"inventoryUpdates":[]},"orbCountDiff":{"oldOrbCount":0,"currentOrbCount":0}},"campaignGraphUpdates":[]}}
[87324] Applying Global Quality Level 4 - Custom
[87781] 7/29/2020 5:03:14 PM OnExitMatchScene -
RWOD#69151 commented
I can give you the pictures I took, they will not load here