Black screen on match start
While in the menu everything is ok but when match start the screen become black but the sound still ok (if i move the cursor i can ear the sound of card mulligan).
The only whay to not concede is to set the resolution on the lowest, but usually cause visual bug on the board or/and artwork on the card disappear.
Please fix this issue, i'm loving this game
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guiyote#60639 commented
same here.. .impossible to play
BJUTH#63291 commented
Hi, my game crashes two times in a row after the update today during playing and i was not able to resume after closing the game :-(
Kam#58152 commented
@kami: @star: have you checked your graphics card? Arena uses more and more memory the longer your playing, that would explain why you can run a game or 2 before it crashes. They are updating today hopefully it solves the problem. But if it doesn’t it might be that. I was having literally the same exact problem you were describing. I’d maybe get a game or 2 in maybe half a game it all depended on what was on the battlefield, how many cards were on the battle field, what animations were trying to run. Eventually it would get to point ina game where my GPU couldn’t keep up (even running on lowest settings) and I would get unity crash. You can see it happen if you window arena and open your task manager
It sounds like you may need some more troubleshooting advice, please submit at: and select 'Technical Troubleshooting'.
Redirus91#55884 commented
i too am having this issue. My Windows 7 machine closes MTGA, i reopen it but I can not play more than 1 game without it happening again.
Laurent58#93591 commented
Same problem, it's unplayable
starfractals#91577 commented
I am very sad that I can no longer play on arena. I know that my computer is capable of running the game because it can run a game or two, and then crashes. I have been playing and loving this game for months. The game is also crashing on my other PC which is far superior to this one. I have already done all the technical troubleshooting. I sincerely hope the bugs are fixed soon. I miss my rank. :(
GrimReaper#96013 commented
Experiencing the same issue.
Began with Eldraine brawl and now happens almost every game. -
kami138#86237 commented
My game also crashes after like 5 minutes in a match, then, when rejoining it just crashes again after a few seconds. The time I have before a crash isn't even long enough to sideboard and it's just a matter of time until the rejoin is bugged again and I can't rejoin the match anymore.
This is happening since sunday or monday I believe.
Kam#58152 commented
Arena uses tons of memory I had the same problem, turned out my graphics chip (Intel hd 2000) was not capable of keeping up with the game causing the unity crash since the ELD update.
Unfortunately since the chip was integrated the only way I could solve the problem was buying a new computer with a better graphics chip / card
If you are having the unity crash every game I’d check to see what graphics chip / card you have and see how powerful it is and if it meets the minimum requirements for the game : /
This link has graphics card/chip equivalents I’m not sure the minimum for arena but about a year ago it was the GeForce 8800 or equivalent
I know it’s not what anyone wants to hear since I’m sure the game was working just fine not that long ago but I hope this post helps answer some questions.
Kam#58152 commented
Arena uses tons of memory I had the same problem, turned out my graphics chip (Intel hd 2000) was not capable of keeping up with the game causing the unity crash since the ELD update.
Unfortunately since the chip was integrated the only way I could solve the problem was buying a new computer with a better graphics chip / card
If you are having the unity crash every game I’d check to see what graphics chip / card you have and see how powerful it is and if it meets the minimum requirements for the game : /
This link has graphics card/chip equivalents I’m not sure the minimum for arena but about a year ago it was the GeForce 8800 or equivalent
I know it’s not what anyone wants to hear since I’m sure the game was working just fine not that long ago but I hope this post helps answer some questions.
Ruckous#22903 commented
same problem and it looks like they deleted the thread that had the most votes on this issue.
Magic13#43354 commented
Typically my game will get progressively slower the longer I play MTG arena and that is too be expected because the game is so demanding so far as graphics and data. What is not acceptable is that my game will crash after about an hour of playing the game. Never has it crashed while I was on the home screen. It crashes when I am mid-game when rank is on the line. I can count losing around 12 ranked games too crashing and then not being able to get back into the game despite re-logging in time. The screen for cuing the match comes up and the "start match" sound effect goes off yet I do not enter the match and all I hear is the game sounds and me losing the game as I desperately try to re-enter the match.
Below are examples of two separate occasions where the game would refuse me entry back into the match.
Please fix your game Wizards cause this is very frustrating...
RexRussi#36188 commented
Game crashes a all time.
Aarak#51866 commented
Attaching this to the most popular vote. Started noticing the crashes during the Brawl event which was every other game or so. With Eldraine release this changed to just about every game, usually when connecting into the game. Managed to collect some information that was requested by the client's tech lead on the MTGA sub-reddit in the Performance issues thread
Crash was at 12:49 PST upon queuing into a ranked standard game (best of one).
The in-game performance window numbers were:
-TOTAL: 482 MB, this hovered around 460MB and 470MB during the game prior to queuing up
-ALLOC: 379 MB, this was in the 375MB to 377MB range
-MONO: 175MB, didn't really observe any real changes in this numberMemory wise from the procsses window of the task manager the memory used at time of crash was 3,722,804K which has been what I have been observing as I am playing games, closing the process and restarting when I see the Unity error window has been how I have been getting back to the game that crashed. This takes about 45 seconds to 2 minutes depending on game length.
Attached is the DxDiag file for my computer, which is a laptop from 2012 which meets minimum requirements for the game and like others have mentioned prior to the Brawl weekend I could play the entire day without crashing
Morgan78#12069 commented
Tengo el mismo veo ninguna solución que pasa con esto?
Esto es solo con w10 o demás versiones?
RickStout#59663 commented
Do we need a new graphics card?
ToReRo091#23813 commented
MTGA crashed and I couldn't enter the game. because of this, the draft game was lost
Roubi-gnôle#84363 commented
Having the same issue, and since the last patch, it is impossible for me to launch a single game.
deezenuts#80618 commented
Has anybody found a fix for this yet??I dropped money into the game again(like an idiot) and this error started cropping every game.
Haven't played in about a month, glad I saw this problem want just my computer.